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Weekly Newsletter: 4th October, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Honduras Santa Elena Micro-Lot Ernesto Vásquez

The last weekend of September we were out of town for a wedding in Colorado, up at Vail Pass. As you can imagine, the aspens were glowing, and the setting could not have been more majestic. The wedding site looked out across a golden valley to bare mountains in shades of grey, and the bride and groom completed the picture standing in front of an arch of flowers. Congratulations Justin and Paige!

The kids and I also had the chance to hang out with my sister and her family, and the cousins had a lot of fun together. We spent one day in Rocky Mountain National Park, taking short hikes as thunderstorms passed overhead. It snowed on us at the summit, but that didn’t stop us from seeing and hearing elk bugling, and watching a marmot among the rocks.
I’m sending this newsletter late, because on Friday I left work early. We had another wedding to attend–an employee this time. Check back next week for a few pics of that event. Lots of folks were in town, and it was such fun to celebrate together!

This week we have a micro-lot coffee for you. This Honduras Santa Elena Ernesto Vásquez comes from the department of La Paz, to the far west of Honduras, near the border with El Salvador. Sr. Vásquez has a 3.5 acre farm, which he has been improving as part of a partnership with Catracha Coffee. Catracha Coffee is a social enterprise started by Mayra Orellana-Powell to fulfill her dream of impacting farmers in the area where she was born and raised: Santa Elena, La Paz, Honduras. Find their website here to read more about the work they are doing.

According to our broker, Sr. Vásquez, “has improved his farm management practices using lime to control the pH of his soil, fertilizing with organic compost, and spraying organic fungicides to control levels of leaf rust. These actions have improved the health of his farm and the quality of his coffee production. Ernesto has learned to process coffee using his own micro-mill so that he can depulp, ferment and dry his coffee before delivering it to Catracha Coffee. With profits from the sale of his micro-lots the past few years, he was able to add raised drying beds at the farm and build a house for his oldest daughter.”

These details have created a beautiful cup of coffee. In the cup it tastes of apricots, caramel, and cacao nibs. It’s sweet and delicious. You can try a cup on us with the code below. Enjoy your week, and thank you for your patience with the irregularity of this newsletter. Sometime life gets in the way. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Honduras Santa Elena Micro-Lot Ernesto Vásquez? Use the code aspen leaves at the register.

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Honduras Micro-Lot. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 10.10.19.

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Weekly Newsletter: 20th September, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Guatemala Huehuetenango Finca La Providencia Palhu

It rained this week! The first rain of the season was Monday, and Wednesday it rained again. I was hoping to wake up to the thrumming on the roof, but instead I woke to the wind chimes and the rain started later. It definitely poured more than I expected–I’m glad we brought in the outdoor cushions! Wednesday morning I took the header picture when I went to feed the ducks: each drip was glowing as the sun tried to push through the clouds.

The rain was definitely a highlight of the week. On the other side of things, both kids stayed home sick from school, we were short staffed, and I worked late every day. I haven’t seen my family much, but I’m glad to say that I love my job. We have the best employees: Thursday night we had a staff meeting–always good to get everyone on the same page. And I felt accomplished, because I put together a slideshow of the history of Carolines before the meeting. There’s been a lot of changes since 1982!

This weekend we are out at the Draft Horse Classic and Harvest Fair at the fairgrounds. It’s free entrance, and there are all kinds of activities and music going on. The trolley is parked next to the Pine Tree Stage, so we get to enjoy live music all day. If you’re looking for a weekend activity, come on out. The horses are quite a sight: hard-working and beautiful.

Our coffee of the week is Guatemala Huehuetenango Finca La Providencia Palhu. We’re excited to have this back in stock. Huehuetenango is a department and a muncipality in the west of Guatemala, in the highlands, which is known for their coffee production. This bean comes from the La Providencia, which is a third generation coffee farm with their own micro-mill on site. Their mill utilizes gravity to move the beans through the washing process (which we discussed at our staff meeting–check out this video).

This is mountainous country, with coffee grown on hillsides by Maximiliano Palacios, the owner and operator. According to our broker, here, “The heart of La Providencia is a beautifully maintained mill that begins at a highpoint on the sloped property, designed to take full advantage of gravity, where the ripe cherries are placed in water and carried through the depulping process on a series of intricate canals to the drying patios below.” I would really like to see that process. If you search for the finca on Google Earth, you can see coffee drying on the patios, surrounded by steep lush mountains.

This is a place of beauty, and it shows in the cup. They take care with their beans, and the result is a product that brings you back for more: it tastes of plums and chocolate, and finishes with a sweet caramel flavor. I’m looking forward to drinking this Guatemalan this week. I always like to know the name of the farmer: thanks Sr. Palacios. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Guatemala Huehuetenango Finca La Providencia Palhu? Use the code first rain at the register.

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Guatemala Huehuetenango. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 926.19.

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Weekly Newsletter: 13th September, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Organic Uganda Nebbi Zombo Natural

I have been working this week on putting together a presentation of Carolines through the years. We are doing a lot of training right now, with new employees and new supervisors, so a visual chronology of our business means less talking for me. It’s been fun to dig through our archives, and find gems like the header picture–an ad where our Special Blend coffee was on sale for $4.99 / lb. It’s from The Union, and I believe the date is summer of 1984.

There were also multiple ads from our original location. If you’re not familiar with our history, Caroline Fike bought The Honey Center in 1982, a natural foods and gifts store located at 116 Neal St. (now the site of Thirsty Barrel). She changed the name to Carolines Honey, Spice, and Everything Nice–and in 1984, while looking to expand, found the current location at 128 S. Auburn St.

I’ll keep sharing images from the archives as I scan them in–I found some flyers and coupons with original drawings by Chuck Fike that are gems. And the ad for our Open House here in 1984 has a picture of Caroline with her three employees all wearing matching aprons, standing around a wagon filled with products for sale. And in case you’re picturing a Radio Flyer® size wagon, let me clarify that it’s a full size, horse-drawn peddler’s wagon. It’s a charming picture.

This week we have a unique coffee for you. No, it’s not $4.99, but it’s on sale for $14.99! Prices have increased since 1982. This is an Organic Uganda Nebbi Zombo Natural, from the far west side of this landlocked country. This coffee is grown on small family farms located to the north of Lake Albert, one of the African Great Lakes. According to our broker, these farms grow coffee on just a few acres, “intercropped with bananas, maize, potatoes and nuts.” They also say that “specialty coffee is on the rise in Uganda thanks in large part to export operations like Kawacom, which has invested in a state-of-the-art mill near the town of Paidha in the Zombo district.”

Kawacom has also helped these farmers gain organic certification, and helped with training to use coffee pulp as an organic fertilizer that increases the yield of the plants. They are also working on best harvesting techniques so that only ripe cherries are being picked. Since the coffee cherries ripen at different times on the same bush, it’s important to be selective in choosing what to pick, for an optimal harvest.

This is a natural coffee, meaning that the beans are dried with the fruit attached. At the Kawacom mill, there are rows of raised beds, so that the cherries can be dried for fifteen to twenty days, and turned regularly for even exposure. In the cup, you will taste fruit flavors, and especially lemon and oranges. This Ugandan has a high acidity, that dances on your tongue, and finishes with melon notes. You can try a cup on us with the code below. I will drink with gratitude to the farmers who worked so hard to grow this coffee. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Organic Uganda Nebbi Zombo Natural? Use the code since 1982 at the register.

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Organic Uganda. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 9.19.19.

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Weekly Newsletter: 6th September, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Fair Trade Organic Mexico Oaxaca CEPCO Altura

Well I don’t know where August went–do you? For us the month started with lazy days camping at Lake Tahoe, then came the Nevada County Fair, followed by back to school, ballet and tennis starting up, and then it finished with a family trip to San Francisco to see a Giants game. Whew. No wonder the month flew by.

September looks to be just as full. It kicked off with an employee wood-fired pizza party at our house last Monday. We all enjoy getting together, and rolling dough, adding toppings, and watching the pizzas cook was a fun way to spend an evening. Shout out to all those who helped, especially Becky for rolling most of the crusts, and Tim for manning the fire. It was a great party.

Last weekend we were open at the Gold Country Kennel Club Dog Show, and this weekend also finds us at the fairgrounds, for the Roamin’ Angels Car Show. We’ll be in the trolley, near the Pine Tree Stage, so come find us for all your coffee needs. The trolley has a full espresso bar and we make all sorts of iced and blended drinks too. The car show is always a fun event.

We got a coffee shipment on Tuesday, and we’re excited to have a few favorites back in stock. If you’ve been waiting for it, our Organic Blue Krishna Balinese has arrived. This week we’re featuring another coffee for which we’ve had a number of requests: our Fair Trade Organic Mexico Oaxaca CEPCO Altura. This high grown Mexican coffee from the far south of the country is grown mostly by indigenous small farmers, who come together with CEPCO (Coordinadora Estatal de Productores de Café del Estado de Oaxaca) to direct trade their coffee internationally. This allows for a much better price than they might otherwise receive.

In the cup this is a delicious, chocolate-y brew, with a full-body and pecan and caramel notes. I drank it today and enjoyed every sip. I’m planning on taking home a pound to drink this week. Whatever your plans this weekend, I hope you drink good coffee. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Fair Trade Organic Mexico Oaxaca CEPCO Altura? Use the code wood-fired at the register.

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured FTO Mexican. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 9.13.19.

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Weekly Newsletter: 23rd August, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Colombia Nariño San Antonio Natural

Hello! I have taken a break from this newsletter for the last couple of months, and I’m excited to start updating you all again. My kids are back in school (that’s our annual first day of ice cream picture to the right, with cousins), and we’re slowly getting back in a routine. We are one of those families that fully embrace the unscheduled nature of summer, and we stay up late and get up late. That’s a joy in the summer, but it does make the transition back to early mornings tough.

This summer we spent outside, as much as possible. Yes, I still came to work most days, but we did go camping, hiking, and kayaking when we could. My amazing sister Katie took her four kids and my two backpacking the first week of July, and they found that Glacier Lake was still frozen over! That of course did not stop the kids from jumping in. But then, these are the same kids that like to greet the new year by leaping in our pool at midnight. They are not strangers to cold.

I wish I could tell you about all the great new coffees that we’ve featured lately, like our Fair Trade Kenya AA Rift Valley Kabngetuny Women’s Coffee from two weeks ago, or our Organic Costa Rica Hacienda La Amistad from last week–but that would take too long. I’ll tell you about this week’s coffee, our Colombia Nariño San Antonio Natural. This is a natural coffee, or dry-process, meaning that the coffee is dried with the cherry still intact. As you might expect, this lends a particularly fruity flavor to the cup.

This Colombian was grown by Nilson Luis López Dias on his San Antonio farm, at high elevation in the Andes mountains. Sr. López inherited the farm ten years ago from his parents, and he and his family are committed to excellent and sustainable farming practices. He has his own micro-mill to process the coffee cherries, and this allows for great care in processing the coffee. According to our broker, “in 2012, Sr. López’s mother was recognized for their family’s efforts with a first place finish in the Cup of Excellence.” That is quite an honor.

Seven years later, and this coffee still stands out. This is a beautiful cup of coffee, that tastes of blueberries and plums, with notes of citrus. We hope you enjoy it this week. I will drink a cup and toast Sr. Lopez and his family for their excellent work–and you can try a cup on us with the code below. Enjoy!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Colombia Narino San Antonio Natural? Use the code school days at the register.

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Colombia Narino. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 8.29.19.

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Weekly Newsletter: 5th July, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Mexico Chiapas Bella Vista Mayan Harvest

I’ve been taking a break from this newsletter, with all of our summer shenanigans: baseball, ballet, backpacking and camping. My schedule has been a bit all over the place, and although I have started several emails, none of them have been finished. But today we had such an exciting occurrence that I had to jump on here and share this coffee with you.

Dave had chosen our coffee of the week, our new Mexico Chiapas Bella Vista Mayan Harvest, and moved it over near the roaster, ready to go. Who should walk into the store next, than the exporter of that exact coffee, Rosalba Cifuentes Tovia. She was passing through town on her way to Truckee, and just happened to see a coffee roaster and stopped in. How’s that for serendipity? It was meant to be.

Rosalba grew up near Bella Vista, in Chiapas, Mexico, and comes from generations of coffee farmers. She lives in Oakland now, although she travels to Chiapas for several months for the harvest each year. It is her passion to market the beautiful Mexican coffees that she grew up with. She wants to provide quality coffee with traceability back to the farmers, and she does this by exporting it herself. You can find her website here: mayanharvestcoffee.com, and an interview that she did with Royal Coffee here.

We’re excited to share this coffee with you, and you can know that it was hand selected by small farmers in Chiapas. It’s a beautiful cup, with notes of toasted walnuts, creamy caramel and milk chocolate. A couple of our employees pronounced it their new favorite. We hope you enjoy this coffee, and continue to learn more about the farmers and exporters who work so hard for your daily cup. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Mexico Chiapas Bella Vista Mayan Harvest? Use the code serendipity at the register.

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Mexico Mayan Harvest. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 7.11.19.

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Weekly Newsletter: 14th June, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

India Monsooned Malabar AA

A week ago Jack graduated from eighth grade. We are proud of him and excited to see him move on to high school. Last night he was able to play in the last Little League game of the season–his broken thumb is finally healed. They lost, but Jack had a great game, and was glad to be back on the field. It’s always good to see your kids doing what they love. His cousins came to watch, and the highlight for Archie was running the bases afterwards. Ninety feet is a long way for a two year old!

At the store it has definitely felt like summer kicked off this week. The weather is warmer, there are more new faces daily, our freezes are flying out the door, and regulars are coming in on a different schedule. My schedule has changed, although that may have more to do with running kids to baseball and ballet than it does with summer. Tonight is Caroline’s ballet performance, and I’m looking forward to see her shine on stage.

This week we have our India Monsooned Malabar back in stock. We don’t get many coffees from India, since most of it is consumed in country. So whenever we have the opportunity, we take it. This is a unique bean, that is grown on family farms in the Chikmagalur region in the southwest of India. According to our broker, here:

“Many of the farms have been in operation for close to one hundred years, passed down through the family from one generation to the next. These third and fourth generation producers are caring environmental stewards who grow their coffee under shade and inter-crop peppers, cardamom, and oranges. Care is taken to select fully ripened cherries that are naturally sun dried and then hulled.”

The really special thing about this coffee, besides the growing, is the monsooning process. The beans are taken to Mangalore, on the Malabar coast, and exposed to the monsoon winds and rains in open sided warehouses. This causes the green beans to swell, and turn almost white in color. Then they are carefully brought to 11% moisture before exporting. In the cup this has a nutty, grainy taste reminiscent of graham crackers and dark chocolate. It makes a great cup of espresso, or a daily brew.

I need to head out now to take a young lady to her ballet recital. Whatever you are doing this weekend, drink good coffee. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our India Monsooned Malabar AA? Use the code three B’s at the register. (birthdays, ballet, and baseball fill our June)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Monsooned Malabar. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 6.20.19.

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Weekly Newsletter: 7th June, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Colombian Supremo

We’re a little late to plant our garden this year, because every time we checked the weather there was a threat of storms–most of which did materialize. So last night the kids and I were out putting plants in the ground as dusk fell. I turned on the lights, and it looked magical as we tucked the roots into each bed (but don’t be fooled–if it was a video you could hear the kids bickering). We might be a bit tardy, but I know that we’ll be glad to eat those tomatoes in July and August!

Today Jack is graduating eighth grade, so knowing that I wouldn’t have much time to write about the coffee of the week, we chose to feature our Colombian Supremo. This is one of our classic beans, that we always have in stock. This particular one has a smooth and caramel taste as you sip, with a bit of milk chocolate on the finish. It’s easy to drink, and back twenty years ago, when customers would ask: “what is specialty coffee,” this was always the one to sample. Now we have so many options that I’d be hard-pressed to choose one–but our Colombian has stood the test of time.

I know that many of you are celebrating graduates, and the end of school, so I hope that however you spend your weekend, you enjoy it. And make sure that you drink good coffee. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Colombian Supremo? Use the code graduation at the register.

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Colombian Supremo. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 6.13.19.

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Weekly Newsletter: 31st May, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Fair Trade Organic Rainforest Alliance Rwanda Dukunde Kawa

Last weekend was a celebration of two dear people. Sunday was Becky’s birthday (she might be a few years past 29, but I won’t tell), and it was also Kelsey’s wedding. We had a great time with Kelsey and Josh, and the sun even came out for their special day. Two weddings on two consecutive weekends was so much fun for all of us–a number of former employees came for both events and we got to see them all week. Yay!

Today we reach the end of May. Teachers and parents of school age children are all glad. My kids have one more week of school, so I’m pretty sure we’ll make it, but it didn’t always feel that way in May. If you’re a teacher, hang in there, and thank you for all that you do for our kids. In one more week summer break will be here. I am certainly looking forward to a slower pace.

This week we have our Fair Trade Organic Rainforest Alliance Rwanda Dukunde Kawa for you. This is a long name, but it was hard-earned, and deserves to be recited. These certifications don’t come easy, and especially not in Rwanda. The Dukunde Kawa Cooperative has been in place since 2000, and works to improve the lives of their members. Over 80% of the farmers are women, and the certifications for their coffee help to ensure a fair price, and in turn help the whole community.

In the cup this has citrus tones, with some stone fruit notes, and a bit of green apple. It’s bright and delicious. If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, the growers market is going on out at the North Star House, and all kinds of other events. I’m looking forward to a weekend with some sunshine–maybe we’ll get some plants in the garden! Whatever you do, drink good coffee.

–Holly Fike

Employee Profile

Name: Sabrina
Position: Barista, resident music expert
Weird Fact about you: I have a degree in music composition and I use it to make false claims about composers (did you know Beethoven had three hands?)
Most recent song you jammed to: something by Bach or something by Bruno Mars; there is no in-between
Childhood Goal: I wanted to be a sheep when I grew up (it didn’t work out)
Musical instrument: Guitar, saxophone, and piano
Outer space or deep sea? both exist
Barista secret: lapsang souchong tea is good!
Best thing about this job: Have you met Bailey?

📷submitted by Sabrina

Past and Present Employees Celebrate with Kelsey & Josh

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Fair Trade Organic Rainforest Alliance Rwanda Dukunde Kawa? Use the code embroidery at the register. (Sabrina’s hobby, which impresses all of us)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured FTO RFA Rwanda. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 6.6.19.

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Weekly Newsletter: 24th May, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Fair Trade Organic Honduras Marcala

I struggled with my photo programs yesterday, and finally gave up on writing this newsletter. But I would like to share this new coffee with you, so here it is, a day late. It was a busy week, since I was out of town Monday to Thursday (thank you wonderful staff, and especially Becky!). I had the opportunity to go to Lava Beds National Monument with my son. It was cold and windy, but the kids had a great time caving and hiking.

We stopped at Burney Falls for lunch on our way there, and especially enjoyed the moments when the sun peeked through. In fact the whole week was full of wild weather–wind, hail, rain, snow: all tempered by the sun coming out for a while. One day we climbed Glass Mountain, and were impressed by the obsidian and pumice, if daunted by the amount of snow. Jack was proud that he made the entire hike in his usual shorts.

Coffee certainly helped me get going each morning–thanks for brewing it every morning Mr. Anderson! A hot cup is such a treat when you’re wearing four layers and still shivering climbing out of your tent. The sound of the water heating up helps me get out of my warm sleeping bag. This week we have a new coffee to share with you: our Fair Trade Organic Honduras Marcala.

This coffee comes from the Marcala region of La Paz, on the west side of Honduras. It is grown by Cafe Organico Marcala, S.A. (COMSA), an organization working to train farmers in the region on organic farming practices. They have their own wet mill, and have also focused on increasing the role of women. Marcala is a protected designation of origin, known for great Honduran coffee.

In the cup this has melon and walnut tones, with a chocolate finish. I brought some home to enjoy this week. In other news, we will be open on Monday, from 7 am to 4 pm. This weekend we will also be celebrating another employee wedding: yay for Kelsey! I hope that you all enjoy your Memorial Day weekend, and take some time Monday to remember those who lost their lives serving our country. We remember.

–Holly Fike

Past and Present Employees Celebrate with Ruth & Josh

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Fair Trade Organic Honduras Marcala? Use the code wedding at the register. (we have two employee weddings in eight days!)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured FTO Honduras Marcala. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 5.30.19.

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Weekly Newsletter: 17th May, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Fair Trade Organic Mexico Oaxaca CEPCO Altura

Last Sunday I awoke to a beautiful breakfast in bed, prepared by my sweet daughter. Well, I might have had to read a book for a bit, while she finished, but it was a great start to the day. She made us cinnamon rolls, from scratch–wow! I also received a card and two different crafts that she spent Saturday preparing: salt dough hearts on a ribbon, and a drawing of a mason jar with “I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck.”

I hope that each of you has someone in your life who cherishes you the way that my daughter honored me last Sunday. It is a treat and a treasure to have someone adamant about celebrating you. Thank you Caroline!

We have a new Mexican for you: our Fair Trade Organic Mexico Oaxaca CEPCO Altura. How’s that for a long name? Oaxaca is in the far south of the country, and this is high-grown (thus “altura”). Fair Trade and Organic are pretty self-explanatory, but CEPCO may need a definition. CEPCO is Coordinadora Estatal de Productores de Café del Estado de Oaxaca: an organization operating throughout Oaxaca to improve the quality of the coffee of the members. Many of these small farmers come from indigenous groups, and CEPCO allows them access to the international market.

This is a fully washed bean, and it has clean citrus flavors, balanced by creamy chocolate tones. I’ve brought home a pound to enjoy this week. Mmmm. Keep reading for a snapshot of Kelsey, who has become a valued member of our team in the last five months. She’s a friend to all, and a hard worker. Caroline would tell you that she makes the best smoothies (try the strawberry made with lemonade!).

This weekend we as a staff will get together to celebrate our favorite baker, who gets married tomorrow. Congratulations Ruth! Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Employee Profile

Name: Kelsey Anderson
Nickname: Kels
Dog or cat?: My dog (Penny)! She’s my angel.
Night owl or early bird? Night owl!
I decompress by: going on a night drive with music
Craziest injury: got a wood splinter in my eye & it tore a piece (that’s why I wear glasses)
Movie/book character: Matilda
Most recent movie/book: Avengers End Game, which Aquaman should have been in
Hair mistakes: trying to go blonde
Most unique experience: hit my garage with my first car
Mountain, Lake, Ocean, or City?: Ocean

📷submitted by Kelsey

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Fair Trade Organic Mexico Oaxaca CEPCO Altura? Use the code mangoes at the register. (Kelsey loves them)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured FTO Mexico Oaxaca CEPCO Altura. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 5.23.19.

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Weekly Newsletter: 10th May, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Colombian Huila San Agustin

There may be no greater joy than adding a daughter-in-law that you love to the family. Last weekend Will and Amanda got married, and we are so excited to have this hard-working, kind, and beautiful woman be a part of our lives. It is lovely to see their joy in each other, and it was a delight to get to witness their commitment. They’re a perfect couple–but I might be a little biased. They care for one another and for all those around them. I wish them all the best as they continue life’s journey together.

The rest of this week has been back to the usual mix of baseball and ballet. Well, sort of baseball–we go watch the games, but Jack is out for another few weeks. On Tuesday night after Jack’s game, he gave Archie his old tee ball jersey and hat–and you have never seen a more delighted two year old. I think Archie has worn that black Giants shirt every time I’ve seen him this week, and I’ve been told that he even goes to bed at night cuddling it. He loves “Jack Fike baseball.”

It has been a while since we featured a San Agustin Colombian. This week is our Colombia Huila San Agustin, and it’s a delicious smooth and creamy drink. It is a high grown bean, from the south of the country. A group of thirty-five farmers came together to improve their coffee production, and formed the Proyecto San Agustín. They also work with an export company, Lohas Beans, which has helped them access the specialty coffee market.

In the cup this has milk chocolate tones, and it’s easy to drink–smooth as a creamsicle. You can try a cup on us this week with the code below. Keep reading for a snapshot of Liz, who is taking a leave from working here because she’s a new mom! She and her husband welcomed Nora to the world about six weeks ago. She is one of the newest mothers of my acquaintance, and this Mother’s Day week seems like a great one to feature her. Happy first Mother’s Day Liz! And to the rest of you mothers out there, around the world, and to all of you women who mother others, thank you. We appreciate you.

However you spend your weekend, drink good coffee. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Employee Profile

Name: Liz Myers
Position: Barista Mom-returning soon
Nickname: Recycle gal
Weird fact about you: Can make great animal/person impressions
Most unique experience: planning a wedding in 5 days
I decompress by: showering
Hobby: organizing my house
Dog or cat (why)? DOG doesn’t need an explanation
Heels or flats? Converse
OCD tendency: Everything to do with cleaning
Guilty pleasure: South Pine milkshakes
Would rather be: camping.
You wouldn’t believe it but: I am 22, not 16
Hair mistakes: Bangs. never again
Thinking about: my husband.
Barista secret: a latte is just milk and espresso, but so delish

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Colombia Huila San Agustin? Use the code squirrel at the register. (Liz’s spirit animal)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Colombia Huila San Agustin. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 5.16.19.

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