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Weekly Newsletter: 24th April, 2020

Coffee Of The Week

Organic Blue Krishna Balinese

When I left work yesterday, I planned on finishing this newsletter after I had dinner with my family. But by the time we ate and then I played with the puppy, I realized that I was out of energy. Have you had those kind of days? Especially during this shutdown? I went and curled up in my bed with a book, and decided the day was over.

Our days at the store right now are different. We have two crew members on at a time, one answering phones, and one making drinks. Then Becky and I are filling wholesale and mail orders. There’s very little time spent at my desk, depending on the amount of orders to fill. The doors might be locked, but you all have been keeping us busy. Thank you.

It’s been years since I filled orders regularly, and maybe that’s why I was so tired yesterday. Or maybe this is all a lot to deal with, every day. But whatever the reason, today is a new day. I don’t know if you’ve been out of the house at all, but the dogwoods are glorious. On my drive between home and the store, it seems like the world is full of pink and white blossoms. In a time where the days pass in a bit of a blur, it’s nice to know that the cycle of the seasons continues. And for those of you who have asked, Fern is doing great. It’s fun to have a puppy!

Today is a new day. I do want to tell you about our coffee of the week, because we’re featuring our Organic Blue Krishna Balinese. This is a coffee that is always an employee favorite. It comes from the island of Bali, and it’s grown high on the slopes of Mount Agung. The farmers there practice a traditional form of Subak Abian, an irrigation system based on the principles of harmonization between man, nature and god. It’s a certified organic coffee that we’ve roasted light. In the cup it tastes of cocoa nibs, bittersweet and delicious.

Whether your day is up or down, whether you’re excelling or just barely getting by, I hope you know that it’s okay. It’s okay to have a hard day, and it’s okay to have a good day. These are strange times, and we’re all dealing with it in our own way (and it might change by the moment). Good or bad, I hope you are able to drink good coffee. Enjoy the spring blossoms and the outdoors, if that’s feasible where you are. Know that we appreciate each of you. Thank you for your support. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want to try our Organic Blue Krishna Balinese? Use our curbside delivery option with the code dogwoods

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Organic Balinese. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 5.1.2020

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Weekly Newsletter: 17th April, 2020

Coffee Of The Week

Fair Trade Organic Ethiopia Sidamo Natural

How was your Easter? We usually host a large gathering at our house, so this was a different kind of day, to say the least. But although it was a just the six of us, it was a good day. We had the fun of bringing home our new puppy, and we surprised the kids by bringing her home a day early. She’s a yellow lab named Fern, and she has made this week a joy for all of us. The picture of Caroline holding her is when she just came home, and I don’t think Caroline could have been more excited.

I am loving having a puppy. When I get home from work, it is so fun to sit on the floor and play–or take her out for a walk. I also love that my kids are old enough to take care of Fern while I’m gone. Jack has been the one getting up with her at night, and getting up early in the morning. She sleeps in his room, and he is doing a great job feeding and training her.

Now you know how we are getting through the days. What are you doing? Have you found something to distract you? Around here the weather was beautiful, and it was so nice to get outside after work each day. How is the weather where you are? The sunny days help me not to feel so cooped up–and I know it helps the rest of my household, who haven’t left our property for over a month. One day at a time, we are getting through.

This week we are featuring our Fair Trade Organic Ethiopia Sidamo Natural. This is a full sun-dried natural coffee–the beans are dried with the cherry still attached. When the coffee comes to us, it’s packed in a burlap sack, and immediately upon opening it you get an aroma of dried blueberries. In the cup you get the same aroma, and it has notes of plum and dark chocolate when you sip. It’s delicious.

Ethiopia is known as the birthplace of coffee, and this particular bean comes from the Oromia cooperative in the south-central region of the country. These are small farms, where coffee is traditionally grown. The Oromia co-op has worked with their members on sustainable farming and certifications, and all that care shows in the cup. This is a beautiful Ethiopian coffee.

I hope that you are able to drink good coffee this week. When life seems stressful, it helps to take note of small treats. Thank you again for the support. You’ve helped us to make it through another week. This is a complicated situation we find ourselves in, and we appreciate your patience as our protocols keep changing. We remain open from 7-4, Monday to Saturday, for curbside pickup. A big thanks also to all of our employees who are currently working hard to fill your coffee orders–all while wearing masks and gloves. It’s hard work to keep everyone safe–and I appreciate the effort. May we all stay healthy. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want to try our Fair Trade Organic Ethiopia Sidamo Natural? Use our curbside delivery option with the code puppy

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured FTO Ethiopian. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 4.23.2020

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Weekly Newsletter: 10th April, 2020

Coffee Of The Week

Organic Costa Rica Hacienda La Amistad

Are there signs of spring where you live? Our weeping cherry tree is blooming, and I think that it might be my favorite springtime blossom. It’s often blooming on Easter, and I have many pictures of the kids hunting for eggs in front of it. Last year Archie and Lucy searched for eggs, and Lucy thought they were a musical instrument–she had no interest in the candy. I suspect that won’t be the case this year! I wish we were spending Easter together this year–that might be the hardest day of social distancing yet.
I thought that it would be fun for my kids to pass down their Easter baskets to their cousins. At 13 and almost-15, they’re getting pretty old, and I thought they might enjoy being the giver instead of the receiver. They did enjoy filling baskets for their cousins last night (don’t worry, we’ll leave them on the porch, and social distancing will be kept), but Caroline let me know that she is NOT too old for an Easter basket. She was pretty cute explaining that she still loves Easter treats. But shhhh! It’s going to work out for her–I did buy candy for my kids too.

These are strange times, aren’t they? One way that I’m getting through the days–and through the anxious voice in my head reminding me to wash my hands, wash my hands, wash my hands–is by keeping a mental gratitude list. This week I am thankful for frogs filling the quiet of the night, for standing with Trace under the supermoon, for talking to my sisters, for our crazy chickens and even crazier ducks, for the gift of sleep, for books, for family time, and for the many customers who are willing to put up with our new system of curbside pickup. I’m also appreciative of every mail order that I have packed, and all of you who are buying our coffee at the grocery stores and keeping our wholesale business going. I’m grateful that we still have a business, albeit modified. I’m thankful that Becky is talented in so many ways, and that she sewed us all masks. Today I was especially thankful for the sunshine.

This week we are featuring our Organic Costa Rica Hacienda La Amistad. I should add to my gratitude list good coffee. I am truly glad to have the best coffee in the world to brew in my room each morning–and more of it to drink when I get to work. This remarkable Costa Rican comes from the far south of the country, near the border with Panama. Hacienda La Amistad has been in the Montero family since the early 1900’s. 97% of the land has been dedicated to forest preservation, and the rest is devoted to organic coffee. They gifted a large portion of their land to create La Amistad International Park, the largest natural reserve in Central America.

All the experience of three generations of coffee farmers goes into this cup of coffee. We’ve roasted it light, and it has beautiful chocolate and caramel tones in the cup. It will be my treat this week, as I go to work, and we’ve got it on sale for those of you who call in–or even if you order online. I hope that you each enjoy your Easter weekend, even if it looks different than other years. Thank you again for your support during these difficult times. Stay home and stay healthy. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want to try our Organic Costa Rica Hacienda La Amistad? Use our curbside delivery option with the code chickens

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Costa Rican. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 4.16.2020

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Weekly Newsletter: 3rd April, 2020

Coffee Of The Week

Kenya AA

Last weekend, despite the rain, the kids and I tried out a local trail. We were able to easily distance from the few people that we saw, so it was a total success. And a welcome change from the house and yard. We know that we are very lucky to have a yard–staying home would be extra hard without that outlet. I am so impressed with all of you apartment dwellers who are making it work without the advantage of an easily accessible outdoors space.

Getting outdoors is essential for my mental well being. It looks to be quite stormy this weekend, so maybe my mental break will involve a book and a candle. How are you getting through? What is working to keep you sane? I do have the advantage of coming to work each day. Our doors are locked, but we are shipping orders, filling wholesale bags (with gloves and masks), and keeping up with our curbside pickup from 7-4, Monday to Saturday.
This week we are featuring our Kenya AA. This particular coffee comes from smallholder farms in Kenya. We’ve roasted it light, and it has delightful citrus flavors, with notes of lemon and honeydew. It’s sweet and tart.

I had a busy Friday, and never got this newsletter sent, so I’m extending the online sale on this Kenya AA to next Monday. Once again a big THANKS to all of you who have been supporting us in these unprecedented times: whether with our curbside pickup (530 273-6424), or our online store. I hope you each have a good week: stay home and stay safe. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want to try our Kenya AA? Use our curbside delivery option with the code outdoors

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Kenya AA. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 4.9.2020

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Weekly Newsletter: 27th March, 2020

Coffee Of The Week

Single-Estate Guatemala Finca San José Ocaña

How are you doing? How is your shelter-in-place going? Are you finding ways to keep your spirits up? Have you found ways to still connect with people? It’s hard for us here at the store to not see you all everyday, filling the space with chatter, or checked out on your computer. Having a shop full of people is certainly something that we took for granted. Our community matters to us, and we miss you.

We have so much appreciation for all of you who are making an effort to call in your drinks, or food, or coffee beans. Thank you for your patience. I know that it’s not a perfect system, and we are all thankful that you are choosing to use our curbside pickup option. It keeps changing, but our current arrangement is that when you call in your order, we place it on our pickup table on Bank St.

Speaking of our new normal, today is Lucy’s second birthday. We are two separate cohorts, so we aren’t mingling. This morning we had a FaceTime call, then after dinner we took over a gift and cards and left them on their front porch. Caroline made a Boston Cream Pie and wrote “Happy Birthday Lucy” on it. We left that on the front porch too. This social distancing is tough on aunties who would really like to give their nieces a birthday hug! But it was at least good to say hello through the window. It doesn’t really make sense to a two year old, but hopefully she knew that we love her!

We have continued our game playing in the evenings, and the kids started distance learning this week. It seems like everything is new: new school, new store hours, new store protocols. It’s an adjustment for all of us. To continue the theme from last week, instead of looking at all I can’t do, I am choosing each day to appreciate what I can do. I can go for a walk with my family. I can play games. I can watch the chickens and the ducks run around. I can sing happy birthday to Lucy. I can still drink and enjoy coffee, and I can still get it for customers. I enjoy good health, still, and so does the rest of the family: I am especially thankful for that. And again I am so thankful for our medical professionals, our grocery store workers, our deliverymen and women, and all those keeping our infrastructure going.

And yes, we do have a featured coffee this week. In the life and death scheme of things that are going on right now, it rates pretty low in importance. But for those of you counting small blessings, good coffee is on that list. And I’m grateful for this Guatemalan coffee this week. This is our Single Estate Guatemala Finca San José Ocaña. It’s high grown, at over 6000 feet in elevation, in San Juan Sacatepéquez, in the mountains of central Guatemala. The farm of San José Ocaña has been in the Sanchez family for over one hundred years, and they have their own mill on the property where they are able to fully process the beans, meticulously. On their property, they have developed “150 acres with coffee cultivation and preserved the remaining 260 acres with natural forest” (see Royal Coffee).

In the cup it tastes of candied citrus, sweet and tangy. It’s a delicious treat. If you need more coffee for your prolonged stay at home, this is the bean for you. It’s on sale, and our online store is up and running, with free shipping on orders over $50. Stay healthy, wash your hands (we are, constantly!), and have a good weekend. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Guatemala Single Estate Finca San José Ocaña? Use our curbside delivery option with the code thankful

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Guatemala. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 4.2.2020

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Weekly Newsletter: 20th March, 2020

Coffee Of The Week

Ecuador Loja Protected Designation of Origin

I just asked my daughter for her thoughts on the week, and she said: “I thought it was fun–I didn’t have school!.” I guess we all have our own experiences. I would not use the word “fun” to describe this week. Seven days ago I was writing about staying calm in the midst of the COVID-19 news from around the nation. Tonight I sit in my living room in a state that is under a stay-at-home order. Work has been chaotic, but the evenings have been spent playing board games with my kids. It turns out that when all other commitments are canceled, we get to spend a lot of time together.

I think that the last time I played Risk was at least ten years ago. But we were looking through a board games and realized Jack and Caroline have never played. So an old game became new again, and we have spend the last four nights trying to conquer the world. True confessions–they eliminated me early last night so that I could go to bed. Clearly my age is not leading to expertise.

How have you spent the week? What has been different for you? Earlier this week, I started noting in my calendar the decisions we made at work each day: how many employees we sent home, how we followed the government directives. On Sunday it says “governor orders 65+ to self isolate at home, restaurants to operate at half capacity.” Within a day, restaurants were told to go to takeout only–so we complied by removing all of our tables and chairs. Today we made the move to offer exclusively pickup orders to those who call first. Our doors are locked, but we will be there from 7 am to 4 pm, Monday to Saturday if you call for a food/drink/bulk bean order (530 273-6424).

That’s a lot of changes in a week. One way I am dealing with all the unknowns is focusing on what I can do. I can appreciate the first day of spring. We may have canceled Caroline’s birthday trip, but we can still celebrate her birthday. I can help the customers who call in. I can go on hikes, with proper social distancing. We can play board games, watch movies, read books and make art. We can keep roasting coffee and selling it online. We can still make corned beef and cabbage and raise a glass to St. Patrick. I can change into green when I get home, if I forgot to wear it earlier. I can FaceTime my niece and nephew and giggle with them. I can watch my daughter choreograph a dance for me out in the yard. I can laugh at the ducks and chickens running around, and notice that the first robins have appeared this week.

There’s so much that I can do, when I stop and think about it. I can also introduce a new coffee to you. I know that most of you will not be able to come in and taste it, but we will have it for sale online. This is an Ecuador Loja Protected Designation of Origin. If you are able to utilize our curbside delivery, you can try it this week. It comes from farms near the equator, in the far south of Ecuador. These farms have to work hard to get their coffee to market, from their mountainous region in the Andes.

According to our broker, “Jose Luis Eguiguren, a Q grader who works for an export company called Hacienda Santa Gertrudis, has helped 80 producers work together to improve the quality of their coffee. The model of collaboration produces a traceable community blend with a vibrant regional profile. This lot comes from small farms where each producer has their own micro-mill to carefully harvest cherries, depulp, ferment, wash and gently dry the parchment on raised beds (see here).”

In the cup this is a special coffee, with creamy tones of milk chocolate, and notes of caramel and vanilla. If you can’t come try it this week, I hope that you do have good coffee to drink. This Ecuador Loja is only available online or from our curbside pickup, but we are still restocking all of our grocery store wholesale accounts. You can find our coffee at the local SPD Markets, Safeways, Raleys, Holiday Markets, Ikedas in Auburn and Sierra Market in Colfax.

I hope that all of you are able to stay home and drink good coffee this week. Get outside, and appreciate all the things that you can do. A big shout out to all of our health care workers on the front lines. And to the grocery store workers, delivery drivers, police, fire fighters and all those others working hard to keep our infrastructure running, thank you. We see you and we appreciate you. And also thank you to our teachers who are working so hard to put a new type of learning in place. Stay healthy, wash your hands (we are, constantly!), and have a good weekend. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Ecuador Loja Protected Designation of Origin? Use our takeout option with the code hope.

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Ecuador Loja. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 3.26.2020

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Update: 19th March, 2020

Curbside pickup available on Bank St.

Hi all. While we’re all at home, I thought that I would give you the status of things here at Carolines Coffee Roasters, given the current quarantine recommendations.

At this time we are still open for takeout/curbside pickup orders. Call the store at 530 273-6424 to place your order. Please be patient with us, as we only have one line.

Our wholesale business will continue, even if our doors have to close. Rest assured that you will be able to pickup our coffee at your local grocery store. And of course you can always order bulk coffee online.

We will continue to post updates on our social media sites (Facebook and Instagram), so check there for the most recent news. Stay healthy out there!

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Weekly Newsletter: 13th March, 2020

Coffee Of The Week

Organic Timor-Leste Ermera Letefoho

How are you staying calm in the whirlwind of news this week? There’s a lot to be concerned about, but there is something to be said for staying calm in a crisis. Amid the uncertainty, we want to assure you that our collective health is our biggest priority. We are taking extra precautions, above and beyond our regular sanitation measures. If you are sick, but still need coffee, we do have an online site here.

One of the things that has helped me to process the nonstop barrage of communication this week is my morning walks. Being outdoors, by myself, I can appreciate the beauty of spring without anxiety. It’s a good space for me to check in and remember that I am okay. I hope that you too are able to find a moment to see the blossoms. Yesterday we celebrated my daughter’s birthday, and her happiness and joy was a good counter to the weight of the news.

This week we have an Organic Timor-Leste coffee for you. I don’t know if you can read this in the image, but right above the country name on the coffee bag it says “Peace Coffee.” Isn’t that perfect for this week? In light of the turmoil surrounding us, we bring you peace coffee. State of mind is everything. You can find the website for this coffee here, and I highly recommend the “Tree to Cup” video (scroll down on the home page to find it). The juxtaposition of the modern roaster and cafe with the film of the coffee picking, processing and home roasting were great.

The panoramic shots in the video showed vistas of this tropical island, with volcanic peaks rising high. The question I have been asked the most is: “where is Timor-Leste?” It makes sense to ask, since this is one of the world’s newest countries. Timor-Leste or East Timor, gained it’s independence from Indonesia and was recognized by the UN as a sovereign state in 2002. It is located north of Australia and east of Sumatra, Bali and most of the other islands in the Indonesian archipelago. It’s south of Sulawesi. As you might imagine, this is not a highly developed country, and this coffee comes from a group of ten farmers working with Cafe Brisa Serena to establish organic certification and best practices for coffee growing and processing.

We were just talking about how this coffee tastes. It is a fully washed bean, dried on raised beds–unlike many Indonesian offerings. In the cup it is sweet and creamy, with notes of walnut and bittersweet chocolate. Delicious. You can try a cup on us this week with the code below, or find it on our website here. Stay healthy, wash your hands (we are, constantly!), and have a good weekend. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Organic Timor-Leste Ermera Letefoho? Use the code peace at the register.

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Organic Timor-Leste. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 3.19.2020

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Weekly Newsletter: 6th March, 2020

Coffee Of The Week

Fair Trade Organic Rainforest Alliance Rwanda Dukunde Kawa

Dave and Becky were on vacation over the last week, and arrived back in town on Tuesday. After my walk on Wednesday morning, Archie and Lucy stopped by to see me, and I got the best hugs from both of them. Archie cuddled in my lap, and told me he missed me. I certainly missed him. It was great to get caught up on my auntie cuddles. Those two kiddos are a joy in my life.

In our family, this was a week of ballet and golf. It never ceases to amaze me that my kids continue to teach me new things. I did not dance as a child, not more than around the house anyway, and I certainly did not play golf. Yet I keep learning more about these sports from my children who love them. And I appreciate ballet and golf in a way that I never did before.

We have a beautiful African coffee for you this week. It comes from the east side of the continent, in the Great Lakes country of Rwanda. Rwanda is a landlocked country, south of the equator, surrounded by Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This coffee comes from small farms, mostly so small that they count the number of coffee trees, not the acres. These farmers are over 80% women, and the cooperative started in 2000 with one wet mill, and has since built three wet mills and a dry mill. This is a fully washed bean from the Mbilima mill.

According to our broker, the Dukunde Kawa Cooperative members have “used earnings to improve their standards of living with investments in livestock, access to healthcare, and programs to protect the environment, which won the SCAA 2012 Sustainability Award. The quality of the coffee is also internationally recognized, consistently placing as one of the best in the Cup of the Excellence auction each year (see here).”

In the cup this is a delicious brew, light, with notes of grapefruit and lemon. It has sweet sugars, and it’s easy to drink. You can try it on us with the code below. If you’re looking for a reason to come downtown, tomorrow is the annual Foothills Celebration. It’s a food and wine tasting, and this year for the first time there are breweries tasting also. You can find more information here. It’s a rain or shine event, so come on down. Fingers crossed it does rain: we need it. Enjoy your weekend, whatever you do. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Fair Trade Organic Rainforest Alliance Rwanda Dukunde Kawa? Use the code daffodil at the register.

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Rwandan. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 3.012.2020

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Weekly Newsletter: 28th February, 2020

Coffee Of The Week

Colombia Cauca El Tambo and Organic Biodynamic Brazil

On my walk one morning this week I smelled the distinct fragrance of daphne blooming, and sure enough, there was a bush with the dainty white flowers just over a fence. Around the next corner, three daffodils were tipping their shining yellow heads in a salutation to the sun. I certainly hope we get more rain, but the benefit of all this good weather is that spring seems to have sprung early. It sure is nice to stroll around town without a jacket in February.

Last week got away from me, and although I had started this newsletter, I never finished. Luckily for you, that means that you get TWO featured coffees this week. The first comes from a co-op of twelve farmers in Colombia. I’ve been enjoying drinking this at home and at work, so I wanted to make sure to keep it as a special for you for another week. It has delicious nutty and creamy tones, with a lingering chocolate finish.
Oh! Speaking of chocolate, our dark chocolate sea salt cashews are back in stock. If you love them like I do, they’re back!

With no segue at all, let me tell you about this week’s coffee: our Organic Biodynamic Brazil Fazenda Floresta. This coffee comes from the state of Bahia in eastern Brazil, near Chapada Diamantina National Park. They practice biodynamic farming, a holistic type of agriculture that treats the farm “as an interconnected organism that generates its own fertility through diverse cover-cropping and the integration of manure from livestock raised on the farm. Biodynamic goes beyond organic practices including applications of homeopathically treated compost based on the rhythms of nature (see here)”

This has been a popular bean every time we’ve been able to get it in. It’s unusual to be able to procure a coffee that goes beyond organic to biodynamic farming. In the cup it tastes of sugar cane and cocoa, with creamy vanilla notes. I’m taking some home to enjoy for the upcoming week. You can try either of these coffees with the code below. In other news, I hear there might be rain in the forecast. Here’s hoping! And happy birthday to Christiana, our lovely employee whose birthday is today. I hope you had a great day. And I do wish everyone a great weekend, whatever the weather. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Colombia Cauca El Tambo AA or our Organic Biodynamic Brazil Fazenda Floresta? To try either, use the code bookworm at the register (in honor of Christiana, our employee with a birthday today!)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Colombian or Biodynamic Brazilian. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 3.05.2020

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Weekly Newsletter: 14th February, 2020

Coffee Of The Week

Organic Sulawesi Toraja Sapan Minanga

Happy Valentine’s Day! I received a sweet card today from my three year old nephew. He came and gave it to me at the store, and when he was leaving, he looked up at me and innocently asked: “do you have something for me?” Oh my, I felt so bad for not having planned ahead. I told him that I would have something later, and quickly grabbed a piece of red paper, and cut out my signature red heart with a pop up heart inside: a skill from making valentines as a child. I ran out to the car and gave it to him before he left.

He had the biggest smile as I read him my hasty card. A piece of red paper and a pair of scissors saved the day. Sometimes the small joys are the best. This Valentine’s Day, I am grateful to have people that I love, and people who love me. I am grateful to be surrounded by a staff who wish each other a happy day and who support each other, every day. I know that this is a day that is traditionally about sweethearts, but the joy on Archie’s face reminded me that it can also be about sharing kind words or gifts with anyone.

The last two nights we hosted a coffee cupping for our employees. It was a fun time of learning more about how to taste, describe, and record our impressions of three different coffees. We intentionally chose three distinct beans, so that we could easily distinguish between them. One of the coffees we tried was our new weekly feature: our Organic Sulawesi Toraja Sapan Minanga. This Indonesian bean comes from the Toraja tribe of South Sulawesi (formerly Celebes). This is very high grown coffee, some of the highest in Indonesia, and the farmers use an unusual process to bring it to market. They remove the parchment before drying, while the moisture content is still high, which gives the beans a distinct bluish tinge. We noticed this at our cupping.

When we tried this Sulawesi, after a few moments of silence so that we didn’t unduly influence each other, the terms that were shared most often were “nutty,” “walnut,” “chocolate,” and “sweet.” It has a full body that fills your mouth as you sip. The second coffee we tried was a natural Ethiopian, which had more blueberry and raisin tones–quite a departure from this more caramel-y flavor.

l am privileged to go home tonight to a lovely meal that my family has been preparing for me. I hope that you have people in your life who take care of you in the same way. And I equally hope that you are able to spread cheer to others, even if it’s with a homemade card, or a friendly smile. Enjoy your day, and drink good coffee. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Organic Sulawesi Toraja Sapan Minanga? Use the code cupping at the register

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Sulawesi. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 2.27.2020

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Weekly Newsletter: 7th February, 2020

Coffee Of The Week

Costa Rica Tarrazu Dota El Vapor

I’ve been going for a walk around town in the mornings, and enjoying the quiet before the local shops open. There are so many historic homes around the downtown area, and it’s fun to observe the different architecture. The sunny weather has made it a delight to be outdoors, even if it’s chilly. I definitely focus better at my desk after starting the day stretching my legs. And since getting two teenagers to two different schools means a rather frenetic pace in the mornings, I especially enjoy the solitary stroll.

On Wednesday I skipped my walk, since we had a sick employee, and then later in the day I was able to take a walk with Lucy. I should probably call it a meander, since she’s not even two, but walking at her pace meant that I saw a different view, even on the same streets. We noticed each and every “fow-wer” blooming, and checked out all the different styles of fences. We went on every path in front of the Methodist church, and she balanced on the edge of the curbs, holding my hand. It was a lovely walk: I’m grateful to be able to spend time with sweet Lucy.

This week we have a Costa Rica Tarrazu for you. Tarrazu is a well known coffee region in Costa Rica, producing what some consider the best coffees in the world with their sweet fragrance and smooth taste. I would argue that there are numerous other great coffees, but I wouldn’t disagree that most coffees from from Tarrazu are delicious. This El Vapor (the steam) comes from Coopedota, in the town of Santa Maria de Dota. This cooperative is unique as the first certified carbon-neutral coffee exporter, but they encompass so much more. You can find their website here, and learn about the many ways they are helping local producers. They provide education, social services, coffee processing, and even run cafes, roasters, and barista/cupper training. They are an amazing organization.

ln the cup this Costa Rica Tarrazu Dota El Vapor has all of the creamy melon tones and sweet syrup flavors that you would look for in a classic Tarrazu. It’s delicate and delicious. You can try a cup on us this week with the code below. Oh, and if you are the sort that likes to celebrate Valentine’s Day, and if by chance your significant other likes coffee and chocolate, know that we’ve got you covered in that department. If you’re looking for Valentine’s Day ideas, check out this post at the Outside Inn–there’s even still time to enter their giveaway. Enjoy the clear weather, and here’s hoping that winter shows back up sometime. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Costa Rica Tarrazu Dota El Vapor? Use the code walking at the register

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Costa Rican. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 2.13.2020

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