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Weekly Newsletter: 31st May, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Fair Trade Organic Rainforest Alliance Rwanda Dukunde Kawa

Last weekend was a celebration of two dear people. Sunday was Becky’s birthday (she might be a few years past 29, but I won’t tell), and it was also Kelsey’s wedding. We had a great time with Kelsey and Josh, and the sun even came out for their special day. Two weddings on two consecutive weekends was so much fun for all of us–a number of former employees came for both events and we got to see them all week. Yay!

Today we reach the end of May. Teachers and parents of school age children are all glad. My kids have one more week of school, so I’m pretty sure we’ll make it, but it didn’t always feel that way in May. If you’re a teacher, hang in there, and thank you for all that you do for our kids. In one more week summer break will be here. I am certainly looking forward to a slower pace.

This week we have our Fair Trade Organic Rainforest Alliance Rwanda Dukunde Kawa for you. This is a long name, but it was hard-earned, and deserves to be recited. These certifications don’t come easy, and especially not in Rwanda. The Dukunde Kawa Cooperative has been in place since 2000, and works to improve the lives of their members. Over 80% of the farmers are women, and the certifications for their coffee help to ensure a fair price, and in turn help the whole community.

In the cup this has citrus tones, with some stone fruit notes, and a bit of green apple. It’s bright and delicious. If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, the growers market is going on out at the North Star House, and all kinds of other events. I’m looking forward to a weekend with some sunshine–maybe we’ll get some plants in the garden! Whatever you do, drink good coffee.

–Holly Fike

Employee Profile

Name: Sabrina
Position: Barista, resident music expert
Weird Fact about you: I have a degree in music composition and I use it to make false claims about composers (did you know Beethoven had three hands?)
Most recent song you jammed to: something by Bach or something by Bruno Mars; there is no in-between
Childhood Goal: I wanted to be a sheep when I grew up (it didn’t work out)
Musical instrument: Guitar, saxophone, and piano
Outer space or deep sea? both exist
Barista secret: lapsang souchong tea is good!
Best thing about this job: Have you met Bailey?

📷submitted by Sabrina

Past and Present Employees Celebrate with Kelsey & Josh

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Fair Trade Organic Rainforest Alliance Rwanda Dukunde Kawa? Use the code embroidery at the register. (Sabrina’s hobby, which impresses all of us)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured FTO RFA Rwanda. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 6.6.19.

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