Coffee Of The Week
India Monsooned Malabar AA
A week ago Jack graduated from eighth grade. We are proud of him and excited to see him move on to high school. Last night he was able to play in the last Little League game of the season–his broken thumb is finally healed. They lost, but Jack had a great game, and was glad to be back on the field. It’s always good to see your kids doing what they love. His cousins came to watch, and the highlight for Archie was running the bases afterwards. Ninety feet is a long way for a two year old!

At the store it has definitely felt like summer kicked off this week. The weather is warmer, there are more new faces daily, our freezes are flying out the door, and regulars are coming in on a different schedule. My schedule has changed, although that may have more to do with running kids to baseball and ballet than it does with summer. Tonight is Caroline’s ballet performance, and I’m looking forward to see her shine on stage.
This week we have our India Monsooned Malabar back in stock. We don’t get many coffees from India, since most of it is consumed in country. So whenever we have the opportunity, we take it. This is a unique bean, that is grown on family farms in the Chikmagalur region in the southwest of India. According to our broker, here:
“Many of the farms have been in operation for close to one hundred years, passed down through the family from one generation to the next. These third and fourth generation producers are caring environmental stewards who grow their coffee under shade and inter-crop peppers, cardamom, and oranges. Care is taken to select fully ripened cherries that are naturally sun dried and then hulled.”
The really special thing about this coffee, besides the growing, is the monsooning process. The beans are taken to Mangalore, on the Malabar coast, and exposed to the monsoon winds and rains in open sided warehouses. This causes the green beans to swell, and turn almost white in color. Then they are carefully brought to 11% moisture before exporting. In the cup this has a nutty, grainy taste reminiscent of graham crackers and dark chocolate. It makes a great cup of espresso, or a daily brew.
I need to head out now to take a young lady to her ballet recital. Whatever you are doing this weekend, drink good coffee. Cheers!
–Holly Fike