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Weekly Newsletter: 13th December, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Organic Biodynamic Brazil Fazenda Floresta

This is Nutcracker week in our house. Everyday is a rehearsal or a performance, so I’ve spent a lot of time driving Caroline to and from ballet. It is amazing to watch it all come together after months of hard work. Not only the dancers, but the costumers, stage managers, lights, sound, parents . . . like any endeavor it takes many hands to make it happen. And then this is the week when the magic materializes. I watched my daughter shine as she danced around the stage, and that light in her eyes is the payoff, for me anyway. She loves it, and that’s why we do it.

Listening to Tchaikovsky’s music all week definitely puts me in the holiday spirit. I’ve chatted with several people this week about holiday traditions, and it’s fun to hear how differently we all celebrate. Some people are all about gifts, and some don’t do any. Some are into food, and others keep it simple and order pizza. Some have a tree and some find it ridiculous. Some love the holidays, and for others it’s a hard time of year. Whatever your reality this December, I hope that you find some peace in your days.
This is a busy season in the store, and it is our goal to spread joy one cup of coffee at a time. Thank you all for being patient with us when the lines are long. I promise that we are making your drinks, warming your food, grinding your coffee and wrapping your gifts as fast as we can. We really do appreciate each of you who respond with a smile and make our jobs easier.

This week we are featuring our Organic Biodynamic Brazil Fazenda Floresta. This is a coffee that we’ve been privileged to carry over the years, and it is always a hit when we get it in. The question that I get the most, is “what does biodynamic mean?” I thought that our broker had a good description: “a holistic approach to agriculture where the farm is managed as an interconnected organism that generates its own fertility through diverse cover-cropping and the integration of manure from livestock raised on the farm. Biodynamic goes beyond organic practices including applications of homeopathically treated compost based on the rhythms of nature.”

You can know from that description that this coffee was cultivated with care. Fazenda Floresta is a family owned farm, near the Chapada Diamantina National Park, in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Bahia is on the far east side of Brazil. This coffee is a pulped natural, meaning it is dried with some of the pulp intact. It brews a delicious cup, and you can come try it on us this week.

Whatever your weekend plans, I hope that you enjoy good coffee. Oh, and I almost forgot to add that we have another sale for you this week. Our Jamaican Blue Mountain is $5 off per pound through the end of next week, and just for fun, I left the Panama Geisha on sale too–also $5 off per pound. So if premium and unique coffees are your jam, we’ve got you covered. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Organic Biodynamic Brazil Fazenda Floresta? Use the code spread joy at the register.

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Organic Biodynamic Brazil. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 12.19.19.

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