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Weekly Newsletter: 5th April, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Organic Galapagos San Cristobal

Despite the persistent rain, the days have been getting longer, and at our house more flowers are blooming each week. We now have daffodils, camellias, flowering quince, plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, and even the apple trees look like a day of sunshine might make blossoms appear. Last weekend was a tease, with beautiful sunshine. We played a baseball game, and drove to SF for a redo of our Hamilton experience. It’s amazing how much more cheery I feel with two days of blue sky.

Last week was also Lucy’s first birthday! They were in Indiana, visiting family, but we all enjoyed pictures of Miss Lucy celebrating. She’s walking around the store now–not quite keeping up with her brother, but I’m sure that she will be soon. It was great to get my Archie and Lucy hugs this week–the office was way too quiet while they were gone.

For the past week we featured our Costa Rica La Pastora Tarrazu, but I wasn’t able to find the time to write about it. So I’m leaving it on sale for another week, and you can choose if you want to try that, or our Organic Galapagos San Cristobal. We featured this Galapagos back before Christmas, but we’re excited to say that we got more in, so here it is.

Ever since I read about the Galapagos Islands as a child, I have wanted to visit. Ruth and I were talking earlier about how Master and Commander, the movie with Russell Crowe, showcased the beauty and unique nature of these islands. They must be something to see. This coffee comes from the island of San Cristobal, and you can read more about it at GalapagosCoffee.com. Their tagline is “From the Mountains of the Enchanted Islands.”

In the cup this Galapagos is sweet and nutty, with a smooth caramel taste. You can try a cup on us this week. Keep reading for a snapshot of Hannah. She’s always a cheery presence around here, and she works hard while doing college full time. I will be busy with ballet and baseball this weekend, depending on the rain. Here’s hoping for sun in the forecast soon! Cheers.

–Holly Fike

Employee Profile

Name: Hannah
Position: professional carrot eater, attempting latte artist, and proud almond milk supporter
Most recent song you jammed to: Thank you, Next – Arie’ Gurl
I decompress by: going for a run/practicing yoga
Outdoor activity: love hiking/running/everything else you do outside Hobby: does college count?
Dog or cat (why?): Dog because pugs exist!
OCD tendency: Everything!
I won’t eat: people/most animals
Barista secret: Add honey to everything . . . or a little bit of gin.
I am happiest when: I am caffeinated
Favorite person to work with? Holly . . . duh! (I had to include this answer–good one, Hannah)

📷 submitted by Hannah

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Organic Galapagos San Cristobal? Use the code baby carrots at the register. (always in Hannah’s fridge)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Organic Galapagos San Cristobal. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 4.11.19.

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