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Weekly Newsletter: 3rd May, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Guatemala Antigua Bella Carmona

I visited a fairly local spot this week that was entirely new to me. My daughter’s class went bouldering at Big Bald Rock, in the foothills above Lake Oroville. Not only was it a pretty drive, with fields of wildflowers greeting us through Browns Valley and Berry Creek, but the scenery there was spectacular. You’re in the foothills, surrounded by pine trees, and after a short hike you come out on an expanse of granite, with large boulders that look like they were sculpted by a giant artist.

The view was also amazing, and I have since read that on clear days you can see far over the valley. Unfortunately this all occurred on Tuesday, the day that it rained, so their trip was cut short, and the clouds/mist blocked much of the view. Now that we know about it, though, we’ll be sure to visit again. Another local gem. In completely unrelated news, Jack got a cast on Wednesday for a thumb he broke playing baseball. You never know what a week will bring.

This week we have a coffee for you for which we have received a number of requests. This is our Guatemala Antigua Bella Carmona, and it’s back in stock after a short hiatus. Antigua is a protected growing region in Guatemala, much like Champagne in France, and Hacienda Carmona, where this is grown, is part of the Antigua Coffee Producers Association, which is dedicated to the traceability of Antigua coffees. Hacienda Carmona is owned by Luis Pedro Zelaya Zamora, a fourth generation coffee farmer who has worked hard to produce the best quality coffee that he can, while honoring the coffee traditions of his family.

Each time we carry this bean, someone tells us about how it’s their favorite. In the cup it is sweet with vanilla and creamy milk chocolate tones. It’s a great example of a beautiful washed Antigua bean, and we’re glad to be able to offer it again.

If you’re looking for something to do this weekend (besides try this coffee!), may I recommend the Downtown Grass Valley Car Show? It’s always a fun family-friendly event, free of charge. All of downtown will be full of vintage cars, and you can stroll and view to your heart’s content. We’re even opening at 6 am tomorrow to accommodate all of those out early to setup. And if that’s not your style, the Growers Market at the Northstar House continues this week, and you can pick up your produce there. Whatever you do this weekend, drink good coffee. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Oh, and continue reading for a short bio of Ella, our newest employee. She is a great asset to our team 🙂

Employee Profile

Name: Ella Beardsley

What drink describes your personality best? sweet and spicy chai

I decompress by: working out or singing along to terribly loud music

Outdoor activity: love anything outside & in the sun!!

Hobby: drawing!

iPhone or Android?: people still use Androids??

OCD tendency: toilet paper roll MUST roll over, not under!!!

Outer space or deep sea: uh . . . neither, both seem dark & gloomy

I won’t eat: Jell-O

Always in your fridge: Almond Butter

Best thing about this job?: co-workers, everyone is so so great

Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter: Spring! Happiest time of the year.

📷 submitted by Ella

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Guatemala Antigua Bella Carmona? Use the code Jell-O at the register. (Ella refuses to eat it)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Guatemala Antigua Bella Carmona. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 5.9.19.

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