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Weekly Newsletter: 24th August, 2018

Coffee of the Week

Honduras Micro-Lot: Juan Angel Galdamez

I love living in a small town. I know that it’s not for everyone, but I enjoy walking to the bank and greeting people as I go. I like walking with my kids up to the local bookstore, where we know everyone and can always find a good recommended read. I appreciate when another local business owner stops by to drop off some cards she crafted. And walking down the street with darling Archie to pick my kids up from school is pretty fun too. Today he checked out the slide while we picked up some items from Caroline’s classroom.

I hope that you enjoyed our featured Costa Rica Finca El Cabuyal last week. I drank it every morning, while listening to the geese and ducks tell me that it was time to get up. The geese are always loud, but we have one female mallard that seems to think that she should try to match their volume. Together they make quite an early racket. They spend about half their time in the pond, but the rest of the time they love to spread out across the yard, joining the chickens.

This week we have a new coffee for you, a micro-lot Honduran grown by Juan Angel Galdamez. Sr. Galdamez’ farm is located on the far west side of Honduras, in the department of Ocotepeque, close to the border with Guatemala and El Salvador. This coffee is high grown, at over 4600′ elevation. I looked up the weather today, and it’s raining and 75 degrees Fahrenheit–not actually so different from our temperatures, minus the rain. Juan Angel has been growing coffee for 15 years, and he has his own mill to process the beans. This allows for great care in the entire production.

In the cup this Honduran tastes of smooth caramel, and it has a pleasing brightness as it cools. I’m taking a pound home to enjoy, thanks to Juan Angel Galdamez. Our weather continues to be pleasant, if smoky, and this coffee will be great to start my day. I wish you all a nice weekend, with good coffee. Keep reading for a snapshot of sweet Sophie, who after 4+ years of working here, leaves us soon to pursue a career in elementary education. Best of luck Sophie!
-Holly Fike

Employee Snapshot

Name Sophie

Three word bio Goober, sweetness, sunshine
Weird fact I never match my socks
Spirit animal a mouse
Outdoor activity I love climbing rocks!
Guilty Pleasure watching friends and eating chocolate or cake or cookies
Pet peeve when people interrupt
True Story I went car camping with Ruth for a week and we didn’t shower EVER!
Other deets I am leaving here to go work with little ones and become an elementary school teacher
Barista Secret Anything with half & half is yum!


Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Honduras Juan Angel Galdamez?
Use the code STRAWBERRIES* at the register.
(Always found in Sophie’s refrigerator)

*Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Honduran coffee. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.
Code/Offer valid until 8.30.18.

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