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El Salvador Finca San Rafael Los Naranjos


This El Salvador coffee comes from Finca San Rafael, in the far west side of the country. This is a cooperatively owned farm, by the Asociación Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Participación Real San Rafael de R.L. (ACAPARSAR), that was founded with twenty-one members in 1980. ACAPARSAR members own the estate, and they work together to process quality coffee. The bean is a bourbon and pacas blend, and it is a fully washed bean with a wet mill located on the property.

In the cup this is a light roast, with a sweet and creamy taste of vanilla and caramel.  Delicious.

Grind *

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Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 2.5 × 4.25 in
