Coffee Of The Week
Organic Blue Krishna Balinese
When I left work yesterday, I planned on finishing this newsletter after I had dinner with my family. But by the time we ate and then I played with the puppy, I realized that I was out of energy. Have you had those kind of days? Especially during this shutdown? I went and curled up in my bed with a book, and decided the day was over.

Our days at the store right now are different. We have two crew members on at a time, one answering phones, and one making drinks. Then Becky and I are filling wholesale and mail orders. There’s very little time spent at my desk, depending on the amount of orders to fill. The doors might be locked, but you all have been keeping us busy. Thank you.
It’s been years since I filled orders regularly, and maybe that’s why I was so tired yesterday. Or maybe this is all a lot to deal with, every day. But whatever the reason, today is a new day. I don’t know if you’ve been out of the house at all, but the dogwoods are glorious. On my drive between home and the store, it seems like the world is full of pink and white blossoms. In a time where the days pass in a bit of a blur, it’s nice to know that the cycle of the seasons continues. And for those of you who have asked, Fern is doing great. It’s fun to have a puppy!
Today is a new day. I do want to tell you about our coffee of the week, because we’re featuring our Organic Blue Krishna Balinese. This is a coffee that is always an employee favorite. It comes from the island of Bali, and it’s grown high on the slopes of Mount Agung. The farmers there practice a traditional form of Subak Abian, an irrigation system based on the principles of harmonization between man, nature and god. It’s a certified organic coffee that we’ve roasted light. In the cup it tastes of cocoa nibs, bittersweet and delicious.
Whether your day is up or down, whether you’re excelling or just barely getting by, I hope you know that it’s okay. It’s okay to have a hard day, and it’s okay to have a good day. These are strange times, and we’re all dealing with it in our own way (and it might change by the moment). Good or bad, I hope you are able to drink good coffee. Enjoy the spring blossoms and the outdoors, if that’s feasible where you are. Know that we appreciate each of you. Thank you for your support. Cheers!
–Holly Fike