Coffee Of The Week
Organic Costa Rica Hacienda La Amistad
Are there signs of spring where you live? Our weeping cherry tree is blooming, and I think that it might be my favorite springtime blossom. It’s often blooming on Easter, and I have many pictures of the kids hunting for eggs in front of it. Last year Archie and Lucy searched for eggs, and Lucy thought they were a musical instrument–she had no interest in the candy. I suspect that won’t be the case this year! I wish we were spending Easter together this year–that might be the hardest day of social distancing yet.
I thought that it would be fun for my kids to pass down their Easter baskets to their cousins. At 13 and almost-15, they’re getting pretty old, and I thought they might enjoy being the giver instead of the receiver. They did enjoy filling baskets for their cousins last night (don’t worry, we’ll leave them on the porch, and social distancing will be kept), but Caroline let me know that she is NOT too old for an Easter basket. She was pretty cute explaining that she still loves Easter treats. But shhhh! It’s going to work out for her–I did buy candy for my kids too.

These are strange times, aren’t they? One way that I’m getting through the days–and through the anxious voice in my head reminding me to wash my hands, wash my hands, wash my hands–is by keeping a mental gratitude list. This week I am thankful for frogs filling the quiet of the night, for standing with Trace under the supermoon, for talking to my sisters, for our crazy chickens and even crazier ducks, for the gift of sleep, for books, for family time, and for the many customers who are willing to put up with our new system of curbside pickup. I’m also appreciative of every mail order that I have packed, and all of you who are buying our coffee at the grocery stores and keeping our wholesale business going. I’m grateful that we still have a business, albeit modified. I’m thankful that Becky is talented in so many ways, and that she sewed us all masks. Today I was especially thankful for the sunshine.
This week we are featuring our Organic Costa Rica Hacienda La Amistad. I should add to my gratitude list good coffee. I am truly glad to have the best coffee in the world to brew in my room each morning–and more of it to drink when I get to work. This remarkable Costa Rican comes from the far south of the country, near the border with Panama. Hacienda La Amistad has been in the Montero family since the early 1900’s. 97% of the land has been dedicated to forest preservation, and the rest is devoted to organic coffee. They gifted a large portion of their land to create La Amistad International Park, the largest natural reserve in Central America.
All the experience of three generations of coffee farmers goes into this cup of coffee. We’ve roasted it light, and it has beautiful chocolate and caramel tones in the cup. It will be my treat this week, as I go to work, and we’ve got it on sale for those of you who call in–or even if you order online. I hope that you each enjoy your Easter weekend, even if it looks different than other years. Thank you again for your support during these difficult times. Stay home and stay healthy. Cheers!
–Holly Fike