Coffee Of The Week
Single-Estate Guatemala Finca San José Ocaña
How are you doing? How is your shelter-in-place going? Are you finding ways to keep your spirits up? Have you found ways to still connect with people? It’s hard for us here at the store to not see you all everyday, filling the space with chatter, or checked out on your computer. Having a shop full of people is certainly something that we took for granted. Our community matters to us, and we miss you.

We have so much appreciation for all of you who are making an effort to call in your drinks, or food, or coffee beans. Thank you for your patience. I know that it’s not a perfect system, and we are all thankful that you are choosing to use our curbside pickup option. It keeps changing, but our current arrangement is that when you call in your order, we place it on our pickup table on Bank St.
Speaking of our new normal, today is Lucy’s second birthday. We are two separate cohorts, so we aren’t mingling. This morning we had a FaceTime call, then after dinner we took over a gift and cards and left them on their front porch. Caroline made a Boston Cream Pie and wrote “Happy Birthday Lucy” on it. We left that on the front porch too. This social distancing is tough on aunties who would really like to give their nieces a birthday hug! But it was at least good to say hello through the window. It doesn’t really make sense to a two year old, but hopefully she knew that we love her!
We have continued our game playing in the evenings, and the kids started distance learning this week. It seems like everything is new: new school, new store hours, new store protocols. It’s an adjustment for all of us. To continue the theme from last week, instead of looking at all I can’t do, I am choosing each day to appreciate what I can do. I can go for a walk with my family. I can play games. I can watch the chickens and the ducks run around. I can sing happy birthday to Lucy. I can still drink and enjoy coffee, and I can still get it for customers. I enjoy good health, still, and so does the rest of the family: I am especially thankful for that. And again I am so thankful for our medical professionals, our grocery store workers, our deliverymen and women, and all those keeping our infrastructure going.
And yes, we do have a featured coffee this week. In the life and death scheme of things that are going on right now, it rates pretty low in importance. But for those of you counting small blessings, good coffee is on that list. And I’m grateful for this Guatemalan coffee this week. This is our Single Estate Guatemala Finca San José Ocaña. It’s high grown, at over 6000 feet in elevation, in San Juan Sacatepéquez, in the mountains of central Guatemala. The farm of San José Ocaña has been in the Sanchez family for over one hundred years, and they have their own mill on the property where they are able to fully process the beans, meticulously. On their property, they have developed “150 acres with coffee cultivation and preserved the remaining 260 acres with natural forest” (see Royal Coffee).
In the cup it tastes of candied citrus, sweet and tangy. It’s a delicious treat. If you need more coffee for your prolonged stay at home, this is the bean for you. It’s on sale, and our online store is up and running, with free shipping on orders over $50. Stay healthy, wash your hands (we are, constantly!), and have a good weekend. Cheers!
–Holly Fike