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Weekly Newsletter: 13th March, 2020

Coffee Of The Week

Organic Timor-Leste Ermera Letefoho

How are you staying calm in the whirlwind of news this week? There’s a lot to be concerned about, but there is something to be said for staying calm in a crisis. Amid the uncertainty, we want to assure you that our collective health is our biggest priority. We are taking extra precautions, above and beyond our regular sanitation measures. If you are sick, but still need coffee, we do have an online site here.

One of the things that has helped me to process the nonstop barrage of communication this week is my morning walks. Being outdoors, by myself, I can appreciate the beauty of spring without anxiety. It’s a good space for me to check in and remember that I am okay. I hope that you too are able to find a moment to see the blossoms. Yesterday we celebrated my daughter’s birthday, and her happiness and joy was a good counter to the weight of the news.

This week we have an Organic Timor-Leste coffee for you. I don’t know if you can read this in the image, but right above the country name on the coffee bag it says “Peace Coffee.” Isn’t that perfect for this week? In light of the turmoil surrounding us, we bring you peace coffee. State of mind is everything. You can find the website for this coffee here, and I highly recommend the “Tree to Cup” video (scroll down on the home page to find it). The juxtaposition of the modern roaster and cafe with the film of the coffee picking, processing and home roasting were great.

The panoramic shots in the video showed vistas of this tropical island, with volcanic peaks rising high. The question I have been asked the most is: “where is Timor-Leste?” It makes sense to ask, since this is one of the world’s newest countries. Timor-Leste or East Timor, gained it’s independence from Indonesia and was recognized by the UN as a sovereign state in 2002. It is located north of Australia and east of Sumatra, Bali and most of the other islands in the Indonesian archipelago. It’s south of Sulawesi. As you might imagine, this is not a highly developed country, and this coffee comes from a group of ten farmers working with Cafe Brisa Serena to establish organic certification and best practices for coffee growing and processing.

We were just talking about how this coffee tastes. It is a fully washed bean, dried on raised beds–unlike many Indonesian offerings. In the cup it is sweet and creamy, with notes of walnut and bittersweet chocolate. Delicious. You can try a cup on us this week with the code below, or find it on our website here. Stay healthy, wash your hands (we are, constantly!), and have a good weekend. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Organic Timor-Leste Ermera Letefoho? Use the code peace at the register.

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Organic Timor-Leste. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 3.19.2020

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