Coffee Of The Week
Papua New Guinea Nebilyer Valley Peaberry
Today was the 136th annual Donation Day Parade in downtown Grass Valley. This is a local tradition that dates back to mining days, and the year 1883. You can read more about it on the Grass Valley Ladies Relief Society website, here, but the short version is that many were out of work, and the idea was born to have each school child bring wood and potatoes to share. Then the Ladies Relief Society distributed it to those in need.

The event has grown and changed over the years, but the Grass Valley Ladies Relief Society still march and handle distribution, and the kids still bring food to share–usually canned goods. We love to see them walk past the store every year, and this year we were even granted beautiful weather. It was a great parade.
Today I was thinking about what I wanted to write for this newsletter, and I thought that in appreciation for a good year, I would like to have a giveaway. So Emily put together a box of goodies valued at over $175, and I did a quick blog post so that you can enter to win. All the details are on the blog, here. We read every comment, so thank you in advance for taking the time to write.
My mom arrived today from Papua New Guinea, after three days of traveling. Becky and her kids were able to pick her up at the airport, and it was a joyful reunion. Grandma Jo is dearly loved. In honor of her arrival, our coffee of the week is our Papua New Guinea Nebilyer Valley Peaberry. This coffee comes from small farms, and an area where two tribes have been historically antagonistic. According to our broker, “the coffee is fully washed and sun dried at the Kuta mill, which has been in operation for over 40 years. The Kuta mill operates between the Ulga and Kolga tribes and has become a place of common ground for producers who have traditionally been in conflict because of tribal differences. The mill owner, Brian Leahy, makes a bonus payment after the harvest to farmers who consistently deliver quality cherries.”
In the cup, this has lovely berry and citrus tones. It’s sweet and lightly acidic, and you can try a cup on us with the code below. I hope that you each enjoy your Christmas weekend, and from the bottom of our hearts we wish you and yours all the joy of the season. Thank you for another great year. Cheers!
–Holly Fike