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Weekly Newsletter: 8th March, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Brazilian Mogiana

We got in some fun new mugs in the last week or two, and I finally got them up online. The above set is my favorite (find them here and here). We had a poll going on Instagram between the grey and white options, and the grey won narrowly. Whichever you like, it will keep your coffee hot on a cold morning. I’m thinking that it will be my new backpacking mug this summer–it could hold soup, coffee, or even your favorite adult beverage.

Last weekend we had the fun of attending a Wings & Wine event at High Hand Nursery. The tickets were a gift from Chuck and Caroline, and all of us drove down to see some feathered friends. The final three birds were especially magnificent: a leucistic (all white) Red Tailed Hawk, a Eurasian Eagle Owl, and a Bald Eagle. All three had a wow factor, since they certainly aren’t something that you see up close everyday! Thanks Chuck and Caroline.

Yesterday I drove to Richmond to pick up Jack and classmates. They spent the week in San Francisco on an urban adventure, and it sounds like it was a nonstop trip. From California Academy of Sciences and Alcatraz to serving breakfast at Glide Memorial, they had a busy three days. What a great opportunity for learning and experiencing new things!

This is a sweet and nutty Brazilian, as I discovered as I drove yesterday. It was a delicious treat as the rain beat on my windshield and the rivers roared under every bridge I crossed. Today the sun peeked out, but this was a good week for coffee. And I hear that the rain hasn’t left the forecast yet, so we’ll keep making our magic brew to keep you going.

Brazil is the world’s largest exporter of coffee (granted, it’s a big country), and this Mogiana is one of the most renown growing regions. It is on the border of Minas Gervais and São Paulo in the south east of the country. This particular bean is a mix of Bourbon and Mondo Novo hybrid, two arabica varietals, and comes from small family farms organized around the Cooperativa Regional de Cafeicultores em Guaxupé. It is grade FC and SS, fine cup and strictly soft, which is the highest grade in the Brazilian coffee cupping.

I hope you get a chance to try this Brazilian this week. Keep reading for a snapshot of Josh, who both cooks and baristas for us. Enjoy your weekend. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Employee Profile

Name: Joshua Unitt
Position: barista/cook/DJ that no one asked for
What coffee describes your personality best?: “Mexican–nutty and full-bodied!
Most unique experience: traveling the country playing music!
Signature dance move: falling down
Spirit animal: sea turtle
Outdoor activity: love snowshoeing and hiking
Secret river spot: Yes it is!
iphone or Android?: they still make Androids?
OCD tendency: Espresso pitchers must be clean at all times. This is something I think of at home on my off days.
Outer space or deep sea?: Space. There’s sharks in the ocean.
Best thing about this job: Singing Hamilton and Disney after closing.

📷 photo submitted by Joshua Unitt

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Brazil Mogiana? Use the code Sea Turtle at the register. (Josh’s spirit animal)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Brazil Mogiana. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 3.14.19.

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