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Weekly Newsletter: 22nd March, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Organic Rainforest Alliance Java Kayumas Taman Dadar

Last weekend we continued the birthday festivities with a birthday present trip to Lake Tahoe. The snow is deep this year, and it makes the scenery even more magnificent. We had a fun ski day (me too this time), and the kids enjoyed the hotel pool after dinner. On Sunday we came home to a new trapeze hoop for Caroline, built by her grandfather while she was out of town. She’s been dancing on it ever since. Thanks Papa!

Although it’s raining now, we had a sunny weekend–making the snow almost blinding. Wednesday was Andrew’s birthday (happy birthday again Drew!), and some mean boss made him get up at 4 am and cook on his birthday (oops!). But it was nice to see the birthday boy on his special day. It happens to also be the first day of spring: yippee!

The daphne and crocus are blooming, and most of our daffodils are turning their cheerful faces to the sun. Today I noticed that the wild plum trees down by our creek are starting to blossom, and I hope the rain doesn’t knock them off. Blossoms in the wind are a delight to see, but not so good for summer fruit.

This week we have a beautiful Organic Rainforest Alliance Java Kayumas Taman Dadar for you. We’ve been able to carry this before, and it’s always a treat. This comes from small farms, which are an anomaly in a country with large government run estates. Taman Dadar means “flower garden,” and according to Royal Coffee, this is a perfect name:

“Taman Dadar, meaning flower garden, aptly describes the way smallholder coffee is cultivated, colorfully inter-cropped with parkia beans, avocados, erythrina, albizia, and leucaena trees, which produce food for local consumption and shade.”

Doesn’t that sound lovely? I’m certain that the scenery on these farms is breathtaking, despite the hard work. In the cup this is delicious, with a rich earthy taste typical of Indonesian beans. It’s full-bodied and chocolate-y. I’ll be drinking it this week, and I hope you each get a chance to try it. Keep reading for a snapshot of Scarlett, and whatever you do, drink good coffee. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Employee Profile

Name: Scarlett
Position: barista; trolley volunteer extraordinaire; resident high school genius (this is what we’ve dubbed her)
Most recent song you jammed to: hanging at the gallows by father John misty
While riding in the car I like to listen to: music. I decompress by listening to music
Outdoor activity: love swimming at the river
Dog or cat (why?): Dog. Cats are the devil.
Guilty pleasure: Hot cheetos
Movie/book character: Fizzgig from the dark crystal
Most recent book: Into the Wild
Childhood goal: To become a film director
Hair mistakes: currently dealing with a hair mistake
My dream road trip: would be in a bus to new orleans.
Night owl or early bird?: both
Musical instrument: drums.
True story: I bought and drive a school bus and plan to live in it.
Always in your fridge: pepperonchini
Best thing about this job: the people

📷 submitted by Scarlett: she’s the one in the middle between Kelsey and Kelsey (yep, they both have the same name)

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Organic Rainforest Alliance Java Kayumas Taman Dadar? Use the code filters at the register. (Scarlett’s favorite closing chore)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Organic Rainforest Alliance Java. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 3.28.19.

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