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Weekly Newsletter: 1st March, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Kenya AA

Happy March! The big news in our family this week was that Andrew moved back to the area after five years in the Navy. He was stationed up in Washington, so not too far away, but we’re glad he’ll be closer to home now. It was great to have him at our weekly family dinner.

Nevada County greeted him with an atmospheric river, and the rain and gusty wind this week were something else. We lost a large pine tree on our property, and felt lucky that the only casualty was the kids’ zip line. The ducks and geese don’t seem to mind the weather at all–it’s just the people that get tired of being cooped up.

Speaking of coops, it amazes me that our chickens choose to leave their coop even in the sideways rain. To be clear, they do have food and water inside, but still they choose to go out. Although I did hear that they spent at least some of their day sheltered on the front porch!

This week we have a Kenya AA for you, from small family farms on the slopes of Mount Kenya. Often these farms are so small that they talk about the number of trees, instead of acres. You can imagine the care that you would take with your coffee plants if you only had a few–thus this is a beautiful coffee. It is fully washed and in the cup you’ll taste the signature Kenya sweet citrus flavors. Mmmm.

I need to go pick up my daughter from her middle school dance, so you’ll just have to come try this Kenya for yourself. If you’re looking for a reason to come downtown, tomorrow from 1 – 4 is the Foothills Celebration, a food and wine tasting in the local shops. It’s always a fun event, and it will be held rain or shine. Cheers!

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Kenya AA? Use the code Yellow Finch at the register. (they’ve been all over our bird feeders this week)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Kenya AA. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 3.7.19.

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