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Weekly Newsletter: 15th February, 2019

Coffee Of The Week

Fair Trade Organic Peru Cenfrocafe

One of the perks of having kids that are in middle school, is that they don’t need help with their homemade Valentine’s. In fact, my eighth grader didn’t make any, and my 6th grader worked hard all by herself on brownies. Well, she might have had a bit of help from Dad and Grandma when she realized that she had quadrupled the cocoa, and only doubled everything else. But it all turned out okay in the end–as we can all testify. They were delicious!

All my sympathies this week were with the parents of elementary school children, and teachers, working hard to make Valentines for the whole class. So much fun, but so much time. But the end result is awfully sweet. The sixth graders were required to write a compliment for each classmate, and the thoughtful notes were heartwarming to read last night when she brought them home. Good job teachers, for bringing kindness into the classroom and believing that it matters!

This week we are featuring our Fair Trade Organic Peru, from Cenfrocafe. This organization was established in 2000 with 220 small farmers, and now, nineteen years later, they have over 2000 members. They support both the commercial development of their members, and the community as a whole, by providing education and technical assistance, as well as small loans to those who need it. You can find their website here, and more information about them here.

The most telling thing I read was this quote: CENFROCAFE founding member and former president of the producer Board of Directors, Anselmo Huaman Moreto, explains: “A huge difference in our lives is that now our children can actually go to school, our coffee is being recognized in the market for the quality we produce, we are receiving a fair price for our efforts, and our members can be proud again to be farmers.” Working together as a co-op, they have created a better life for themselves, and a better cup of coffee. We’re glad to be able to pass this on to you.

In the cup this is a sweet and smooth cup of coffee: creamy like fresh caramel. You can try a cup on us this week with the code below. Keep reading for a snapshot of Maddi, who has a unique employment story with us. She worked here, as some of you might remember, two years ago, and then left to travel the world–well, Central and South America, with her boyfriend. They worked on farms all over, including coffee estates. Now they’re back in Grass Valley continuing their education, and we’re delighted to have Maddi back working for us. I know that she has seen coffee like this one in person.

–Holly Fike

Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Fair Trade Organic Peru Cenfrocafe? Use the code crochet at the register. (one of Maddi’s hobbies)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Fair Trade Organic Peru. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.

Code/Offer valid until 2.21.19.

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