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Weekly Newsletter: 21st December, 2018

Coffee of the Week

Christmas Coffee 2018

There haven’t been many newsletters this December. Between a busy Nutcracker weekend and another one where I was sick, I haven’t been able to write as I would like. But it seemed important to make the time to wish you all a Merry Christmas this week. This season can be chaotic and busy, and sometimes downright stressful, but I hope that each of you finds peace in the next few days. Whether it’s a restful day, or a moment of pause watching a sunset or taking a walk, time with family, or time reflecting on being apart, I wish you all joy and serenity and light.

I feel like I have had more rest than usual, mostly because of an enforced stillness that comes from being sick. But it helped my body to slow down, and for that I am grateful. I loved eating breakfast in the living room with my kids, with only the light of the Christmas tree. And listening to the kids decorating cookies, mostly cheerfully, while I lay in bed, made me smile. We skipped a lot of days of our advent celebration, but we have also skipped a lot of the activities that traditionally fill our December days, and that has made for more space and time in our day.

Tonight is the final Cornish Christmas, and we’ll be open until 9 pm, rain or shine–but it looks like it will clear up. We’ll be open until 7 pm for the next two days, and then closing early on Christmas Eve, Monday, at 3 pm. So if you need coffee to sustain your last minute shopping, we will be here. Or if a coffee gift is on your list, we have those too–wrapped and ready to go. Also, speaking of gifting, have you checked out the Holiday Giveaway over at the Outside Inn blog? This annual community collaboration features items from over 70 local businesses, and is valued at over $3000. It’s always fun to read the comments and see what people love about our area.

In the last two weeks we have featured our Aged Sumatra and our Costa Rica Dota El Vapor. I’ve left both of them on sale for the next week, if you would like to purchase either (or both). For this coming Christmas week, we would like to offer you a cup of our 2018 Christmas Coffee, while it is still available. Stop by and have a cup on us. All our gratitude goes out to all of you who have made this season special for us. Thank you for your patronage. May your Christmas week be full of peace. Shalom.
–Holly Fike


Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our 2018 Christmas Coffee?
Use the code Peace at the register.
(our wish for you all this season)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured 2018 Christmas Coffee. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.
Code/Offer valid until 12.28.18.

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