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Weekly Newsletter: 12th October, 2018

Coffee of the Week

Kenya AA

We are a family business, and nothing says that more than the camaraderie behind the counter and the kids running in and out of the office. This week Archie and I were out front throwing paper airplanes, and after close Caroline loves to do ballet out front. We hope that you feel that sense of community when you come in: that you feel included and accepted here. That’s our goal, to welcome you to our space like you belong.

Last weekend we had a family day at Lower Scotts Flat Lake. The kids kayaked, Trace walked up to the dam, and I sat and read a book. It was a completely relaxing afternoon. I heard mostly bird noises while I was reading, except a few shrieks from my kids. We are so lucky to have so many local outdoor recreation opportunities, within just a few minutes of home.

The leaves are finally starting to change color around here. The liquidambars in front of City Hall look like they’re wearing red caps, and we’ve had several windy days with leaves racing like wild children at the end of a school day. Pumpkin spice lattes are flying out the door, and I’m ordering more hot cups than cold. The seasonal shift is happening, and we’re enjoying autumn this week by featuring our Kenya AA.

This Kenya comes from the central part of the country, and it’s grown in the volcanic soil surrounding Mt. Kenya. Mt. Kenya is Africa’s second highest mountain at over 17,000 feet, and these farms range from 4500 to 6500 feet. This is high grown coffee, with superb flavor. In the cup it tastes of sweet citrus and apricots. It has a medium body that complements the bright acidity.

This weekend will be Dave’s birthday, and since we all love Dave around here, I thought we would embarrass feature him in our employee snapshot this week. He’s not admitting his age, but he has a youthful spirit that relishes life and the people around him. He enjoys good coffee and good beer, so whatever your beverage of choice, raise a glass to Dave. Cheers!
–Holly Fike

Employee Profile

Name Dave

Nickname Old Bean

Weird fact about you I’ve never been to Chico

Most unique experience it’s gotta be the all night rave in Prague back in 1999

Guilty pleasure B.B.C. murder mysteries

True Story After wandering off in a beer tent at Oktoberfest in Munich, my brother found me at a table full of Italians, celebrating like old friends–even though I didn’t speak any Italian and they didn’t speak any English (Beer = the greatest).

Spirit Animal Coyote

Always in your fridge? Ice Cold Water

Probably shouldn’t have . . . Mentioned the rave in Prague

You wouldn’t believe it but I have been to over 200 concerts.


Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Kenya AA?
Use the code Log Cabin at the register.
(Dave’s childhood dream was to live in a log cabin)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured Kenya AA. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.
Code/Offer valid until 10.19.18.

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