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Weekly Newsletter: 5th October, 2018

Coffee of the Week

Fair Trade Organic Mexico Jaltenango Chiapas

I wish I had a great picture of the rain on Wednesday and Thursday for the header: it was truly beautiful. I was driving home from the grocery store on Wednesday evening and saw the most sparkling bolt of lightning split the sky, while the rain poured. This is our first rain of the year, so to get such a display was a real treat. We had a bedroom window open all night, and I kept waking up to the pinging sound of the rain dripping on the metal flashing. It made me smile every time.

Then yesterday I drove Caroline and some classmates to visit the seismology lab and the Keck museum at UNR, and the whole way up highway 20 it dumped on us. It made for slow, careful driving, but it was such a fun marker of the change of seasons that I really enjoyed it. Plus the alders and aspens were starting to turn yellow, so it was a particularly lovely view as they shook in the wind.

This week we have a new Mexican coffee for you: our Fair Trade Organic Mexico Jaltenango Chiapas, from the far south of the country. These are high grown beans, sourced from family farms that have come together as part of the Sociedad de Producción Rural Unión de Ejidos y Comunidades San Fernando. The Sociedad:
“has invested in nurseries to support more than 1,300 farmers to renovate their coffee farms. The organization is also leading efforts to assist their members to make improvements to their houses, and diversification initiatives such as coffee shops, and training programs to use Vermicompost that uses earthworms to turn organic wastes into very high quality compost (source: Royal Coffee). ”

This is a Fair Trade and organic coffee, and the care that went into the growing can be tasted in the cup. It has great chocolate tones, with a nutty finish. It’s easy to drink, and it would be a great way to start your day.

If you keep reading, we are featuring Kristina this week, because last weekend she and Evan got married. Congratulations from all of us Kristina! We all wish you both all the best.
–Holly Fike

Employee Profile

Name Kristina Murray

Position Barista

Weird fact about you I like to dip tortilla chips in blended margaritas

Which coffee describes you best? Special Blend, because I like variety.

Most unique experience marrying my best friend last weekend
Signature dance move the lift from “Dirty Dancing” with my husband (see submitted photo)

Childhood goal Olympic gymnast

Always in your fridge? Peanut Butter

I am happiest when I am on an adventure with friends.


Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Fair Trade Organic Mexico Jaltenango Chiapas?
Use the code Dirt Biking at the register.
(Kristina’s outdoor activity love)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured FTO Mexico Jaltenango. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.
Code/Offer valid until 10.12.18.

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