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Weekly Newsletter: 14th September, 2018

Coffee of the Week

Fair Trade Organic Colombia Tolima, San Pedro Indigenous Farmers

This week I was out of town Tuesday through Thursday, on a field trip to Lassen National Park with my daughter and her class. We had a great time staying in the cabins at Manzanita Lake, climbing Cinder Cone, exploring the Subway Cave lava tube, and visiting Cold Boiling Lake and the Sulphur Works (Bumpass Hell was closed). I had brought yarn and stir sticks, and the kids in my cabin had fun making God’s eyes in their free time.

Today it’s back to work, and catching up a bit after a week gone. A big thanks to our wonderful staff, who support this business so well. This week’s employee profile features Beau, who is leaving us to go on tour as a drummer with Dustin Thomas. It’s such a great opportunity for him, but we will miss his antics around here. Five years ago Beau got an interview by being persistent, introducing himself to Trace, Becky and I, and telling us how much he wanted to work for us. True to his style, he’s been a hard worker, done anything we asked, and always been helpful. We wish him all the best!

This week we are featuring our Fair Trade Organic Colombia Tolima, San Pedro Indigenous Farmers. How is that for a mouthful? I could shorten it to FTO Colombia, but I want you to know that it comes from the Páez indigenous group, in the department of Tolima. Tolima has been overlooked as a coffee growing area, because a high rate of armed conflict kept these farmers from safely getting their crops exported. The Asociación de Caficultores Indigenas de San Pedro (ASCISP) is working with these small farmers to break through the cycle of conflict to “produce quality coffee that will yield better earnings for indigenous families” (from our broker, here).

In the cup this is a delicious brew, roasted light so you can taste the terroir. I can testify that it is especially good when keeping your hands warm in freezing temperatures at Lassen! Actually, this coffee is a treat no matter where you drink it. It’s juicy and fruity, with notes of vanilla and chocolate. We carry Colombian coffees all the time, but this one stands out. You can come try a cup on us this week with the code below. Enjoy your weekend, and drink good coffee.
–Holly Fike

Employee Profile

Name Beau

Position Barista; Recycle Guy

Weird fact about you I took ballet for a year

Three word bio drums. drums. drums

Spirit animal rhino

Most recent song you jammed to “Stay” by Post Malone

Childhood goal other than to be a drummer (spoiler: he is), to be a math teacher
Heels or flats? Heels.

I am happiest when I am touring.




Coffee Coupon

Want a free cup of our Fair Trade Organic Colombian?
Use the code BASKETBALL at the register.
(Beau’s outdoor activity love)

Code good for a 12 oz cup of our featured FTO Colombia Tolima, San Pedro. Limit one per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, Grass Valley, CA.
Code/Offer valid until 9.20.18.

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