Aged Sumatra
The last two weeks have been so nonstop that I haven’t written a newsletter. My apologies to those of you who count on it. The kids have been busy, Trace and I have been busy, and I ran out of time in my day. Today is the last day of school for my kids, and our weeks will proceed at a slower pace after this. A big thanks to all of you teachers out there who have put up with all of the crazy this year: we appreciate you!

Looking down at the camera after a ride
I’m thinking of teachers especially because I got to spend most of this week with my daughter’s class, camping in the redwoods near Santa Cruz. This was a reward field trip, at the end of their two year loop with the same teachers. These kids are amazing. They have been camping so much that they have the system down. In fifth grade they can set up their own tents, wash the dishes, and help with the food prep. Parents still come along, but we do less each year. It was a lot of fun to see their responsibility shine, and to see the joy they had at the beach and on the rides at the Boardwalk.
In the last two weeks we have featured our Papua New Guinea Nebilyer Valley, and a new Costa Rica Las Trojas Superior. You can look both of those up on our website for more information. You will also find this week’s special coffee, one that we have not featured in a long time. This is an Aged Sumatra: a truly unique bean. We have been unable to find this for a few years, and Trace was delighted find a source recently.
In general, coffees are sold as “new crop:” picked, processed, and exported in fairly short order. That is the accepted best practice for treating green coffee. Historically, however, coffee traveled via sailing ship, and it was exposed to sea air and had a higher moisture content–leaving it very smooth and creamy. These conditions are emulated in a coffee like our Monsooned Malabar, which is carefully monitored in an open sided warehouse during the monsoon season. This Aged Sumatra undergoes a similar experience. It is not old coffee, but new crop coffee that is carefully monitored in a warehouse over time for an aged effect.
In the cup this tastes of dried fruit, with a smooth, bold and creamy flavor. You can try it on us this week with the code Boardwalk bliss*. Let us know what you think. And to all of you in the midst of graduation season, we want to extend our congratulations. Enjoy!
*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Aged Sumatra. Code expires on 06.14.18. Limit one free cup per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA. Code/Offer has no cash value.