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Weekly Newsletter: 20th April, 2018

Burundi Buzira-Muruta Washed

The sun is shining, the sun is shining! That sounds rather like Chicken Little, but I’m excited about the golden sphere drying out the earth today. As our rainy weather has dragged on (and yes, I do appreciate that we’re not in a drought), I have been looking forward to sunshine and warm weather. Today was simply lovely: the apple trees are blossoming in the yard, and I think the grass has grown another foot since Trace mowed yesterday. We took the goslings out to play this morning, and they are excited about the new young grass too.

This is what we do when the sun shines: ice cream!

It’s halfway through April, and we had a baseball game canceled this week for snow. Jeesh. Jack was able to get two other games in this week, though, so that was fun to watch. Although sitting in the stands watching your kid pitch is both nerve-racking and chilly! Between baseball, ballet, and new chicks and goslings to take care of, it’s been a busy week.

This week we’re traveling across the Atlantic ocean from Brazil, last week’s special, with over 7000 miles of coastline, to the small landlocked country of Burundi. You can learn a lot of geography studying coffee. Burundi neighbors Rwanda to the north, Tanzania to the east and south, and the Democratic Republic of Congo to the the west. It is in the eastern part of central Africa.

This coffee comes from family farms in the northern part of Burundi, and this is a beautiful offering from the Buzira washing station, owned by Salum Ramadhan. It is fully washed, and in the cup shows bright grapefruit tones, with a softer melon finish. It’s sweet like sugar cane, and has a lovely acidity.

This Sunday is Earth Day, and you can find a list of local happenings on the Outside Inn blog, here. You’ll also read in the post that we are offering $1 off the drink of your choice if you bring in your own cup. In addition to that deal, use the code Ice Cream* for a free cup of this week’s Burundi special. Enjoy the sunshine, and drink good coffee. Cheers!
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Burundi Buzira-Muruta Washed. Code expires on 04.26.18. Limit one free cup per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA. Code/Offer has no cash value.

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