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Weekly Newsletter: 23rd February, 2018

Fair Trade Organic Honduras Capucas

We have had such a warm and dry winter that instead of talking about the threat of snow, we are talking about the promise of snow. Yesterday there was a chance of snow in the forecast, and I kept hopping up from my desk to see if it had started. It never did accumulate, but the flurries sure were pretty all day. At our house we had “corn snow” or graupel that covered the ground, and this morning the sunlight twinkled over the frozen white earth.

We love snow around here.

In Nevada County, it’s a common saying that it’s not spring until it snows on the daffodils. Well that certainly happened this week. However, since we haven’t had much rainfall yet, I’m hopeful that the storms will continue, and that this is not winter’s last hurrah.

Last week we featured our Kenya Nyeri Aguthi Thageini, but this week we are crossing the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean to the Central American country of Honduras. I suppose that you could also cross the Pacific and Indian Oceans, since Kenya is on the eastern coast of Africa–either way these two countries are a long way apart.

This Fair Trade Organic Honduras Capucas comes from the mountains in the far west of Honduras, almost to the border with El Salvador. If you look up Las Capucas, Honduras on Google Maps, you can find the Cooperative Cafetalera Capucas Limitada (COCAFCAL). This is the co-op of around 70 farming families that produced this coffee: you can find their website here. They are committed to meticulously processing their beans, and also to improving the quality of life in their community.

The pictures on the website show the town of Capucas and there are also some great shots of the coffee farms, in the surrounding mountains. This is high grown coffee, which leads to a denser bean, and usually lower yields–all of which lead to better quality. We have taken this coffee and roasted it light, so you can enjoy all the nuances of this special cup. We all loved it when we tasted it: it has a great aroma of chocolate, and tastes of toasted pecans, with a nice acidity.

You can try this on us today with the code Tutu* (the name of our cat–chosen by my daughter, in case you couldn’t guess). Enjoy your weekend and drink good coffee. Cheers!
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Fair Trade Organic Honduras Capucas. Code expires on 03.01.18. Limit one free cup per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA. Code/Offer has no cash value.

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