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Weekly Newsletter: 5th January, 2018

El Salvador Finca San Rafael Los Naranjos

I know that those of you in other parts of the country don’t want to hear about our weather, but the first week of 2018 has been lovely. We’ve had a little rain, but mostly sunshine. On New Year’s Eve the kids and I went for a walk at the Empire Mine with their cousins. New Years Day little Caroline and I went for a walk along the South Yuba. Then Wednesday, we took a family trip to see the migrating birds at Gray Lodge. We are so lucky to have all these great outdoor spaces so close to home–and although I know we need rain, it sure was nice to be outside all week.

Were you wondering how our bagels taste? Archie approves!

In our family we also had another Christmas celebration last night, with family who had been sick last week. It’s been fun to slow down the holidays, and keep getting together. Next week the kids go back to school, and I will be glad for the routine, but spending time together has been good for all of us.

This week we have a new El Salvador coffee for you. It comes from Finca San Rafael, in the far west side of the country. This is a cooperatively owned farm, by the Asociación Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Participación Real San Rafael de R.L. (ACAPARSAR), that was founded with twenty-one members in 1980. ACAPARSAR members own the estate, and they work together to grow and process quality coffee. The bean is a bourbon and pacas arabica blend, and it is a fully washed: there’s a wet mill located on the property.

According to our broker, “members of ACOPARSAR are participating in technical training related to prevention of soil erosion, leaf rust protections, processing improvements, and ways to deal with climate change.” So not only have they come together to grow and process coffee, there is an education component to their partnership too.

We roasted this coffee light, and in the cup it is a sweet bean, that tastes of vanilla and caramel. You can try a cup on us this week with the code Beau* (if you don’t know Beau, he’s one of our wonderful employees, and his birthday was Monday. Happy belated birthday Beau!). May your next week be bright. Cheers!
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of El Salvador. Code expires on 01.11.18. Limit one free cup per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA. Code/Offer has no cash value.


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