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Weekly Newsletter: 30th June, 2017

Organic Papua New Guinea Timuza

Last night was the first downtown Thursday Night Market, and by all accounts it was a great event. We stayed open until 9 pm, and it was fun to see many of you stopping in or strolling by. It will continue to run on Thursday nights until August 3rd, so come on out and listen to the music, buy some produce, or simply enjoy the sights. The people watching is great.

Grandma and her newest grandson

We’ve had the fun of family visiting for the last week (and more to come this week). Over the weekend we headed out camping together–I think there were almost a dozen kids, twelve and under. Needless to say, there was a lot of water play, and the canoe and kayaks we brought were popular with all. We set up tents, but most of the kids slept outside or in their hammocks.

We started each morning with good Carolines coffee, brewed in a stainless French press. The adults, myself included, can’t seem to drink enough coffee while camping. We might not sleep as well as the kiddos. Or maybe it’s the campfire smoke that makes you reach for another mug? Whatever the reason, I know that coffee is especially appreciated while camping.

This week we are featuring our Organic Papua New Guinea Timuza. I wrote about it here, back in February, but the short version is that it is grown by members of the Kamano tribe, who come together as a co-op to process their coffee. The coffee is shade-grown under native trees, and then fully washed and sun dried. The co-op provides education and assistance for the farmers, and last year this coffee placed first in the National Cupping Competition.

A fun fact about this coffee is that it is grown not far from where my mother teaches in an international school. A week ago she flew back from Papua New Guinea and got to meet her youngest grandson for the first time. So in honor of Grandma Jo this week, we recommend that you try this Organic Papua New Guinea coffee: freshly roasted for you. In the cup it is sweet and tastes of light apricot and plum flavors. For the next seven days you can try a cup on us with the code camping fun*.

Our local Independence Day parade is in downtown Grass Valley this year, at 11 am, so we will be open from 7 am – 12 pm on Tuesday. If you are in the parade, or attending the parade, come get a drink to cool you off. It’s always a fun event, where the best of small town America shines. I hope you all enjoy your holiday weekend, and drink good coffee. Cheers!
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Organic Papua New Guinea Timuza. Code expires on 7.06.17. Limit one free cup per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA. Code/Offer has no cash value.


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