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Weekly Newsletter: 23rd June, 2017

Costa Rica Finca El Cabuyal La Ortiga

You know what they say about the best laid plans? Well last week we had a beautiful micro-lot Colombian Peaberry to share with you, and then I got sick. Oops. So this week you are welcome to try the Colombian, and we’ll leave it on sale another week. I won’t make this too long with all the details, but you can find this family-owned farm online here if you want to look it up. It’s managed by two brothers whose grandfather first cultivated coffee in the Valle de Cauca in the 1930’s.

All ready for the dress rehearsal

Despite being ill, I greatly enjoyed viewing my daughter’s ballet recital last weekend, and this week we’ve had a fun time with my sister and her kids in town. We’ve almost made it through the first heat wave of the year, with lots of water play to keep us cool. Luckily it looks like next week the highs will only be in the 80’s and 90’s–much better than the 100’s of this week. I hope that you all found a way to avoid overheating–I know that our mocha freezes helped a lot of you.

This week we have another micro-lot coffee for you. This is our Costa Rica Finca El Cabuyal, from La Ortiga de Colpachi. This five acre farm is owned by Manuel Carranza Navarro and Maria De Los Angeles Molina Navarro, and it was a wedding gift from her father. Manuel and Maria have spent ten years cultivating specialty coffee, and they have a micro mill on their property for meticulous processing.

The coffee is fully washed and dried on raised beds. The farm is at almost 6000′ elevation, so this is high grown and high density coffee. The couple are able to support their two sons through the income they make with these beans. In the cup this is roasted light, and you taste stone fruit, with a sweet vanilla finish. Their care shines through.

You can try a cup on us this week with the code June heat*. I hope you all have a plan to beat the heat this weekend. The rivers around here are still too high for swimming, but the lakes are great. And in Nevada County we always have the option to go up in elevation to cool down–Tahoe is a short drive away. Whatever you do, enjoy good coffee. Cheers!
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Costa Rica Finca El Cabuyal La Ortiga. Code expires on 6.29.17. Limit one free cup per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA. Code/Offer has no cash value.

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