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Weekly Newsletter: 11th December, 2015

Coffee Pic HeaderJamaican Blue Mountain

It’s starting to feel like December around here. With only two weeks to Christmas Day, the shopping has increased, and our gift packages have been flying out the door. We appreciate all of you who have included us in your holiday gift giving. And I’ve seen that our peppermint mochas and eggnog lattes are fueling many of you through your days. The kids and I have added afternoon hot chocolate to our rainy days this week, complete with mini marshmallows.

Jack snowflakeIn our home, we have a tradition of drinking Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee on Christmas morning. This is our most expensive coffee, so this week we wanted to extend a special offer to you. Our Jamaican Blue Mountain is $10 off a pound this week–or $5 off a half pound.

People often ask why Jamaican is so expensive. Some part of the price is supply and demand: there is only a certain amount grown, and even less of that makes it to the United States. But even more than that, this is a tremendous coffee and great care is taken with it.

As an example, most of you know that our coffee comes in burlap sacks, which are shipped to the nearest port (in our case, San Francisco). Not Jamaican, however. Jamaican Blue Mountain comes packaged in a wooden barrel, and it is shipped via air. It is the queen of coffees, and it is treated as such.

Our Jamaican is 100% Blue Mountain coffee. The cherries are hand picked only when they are fully ripe, which means over multiple days as different parts of the plant ripen sooner or later. It is a washed process, and then the beans are dried on raised patios in the sun. Years ago I read an interview from one of our farmers who said that the reason it’s so good is that it’s happy. Happy beans make good coffee.

I forgot to tell you last week about an epic giveaway going on over at the Outside Inn blog right now. Our community is so great that over 60 different merchants donated to this crate of goodies. Isn’t that amazing? You can read more about it and leave a comment to enter here. Also, we are continuing to spread Christmas cheer with twelve days of Christmas Deals. They will be featured in a short email starting this Sunday and on our social media. Watch for those–some will be a giveaway.

We’ll be here tonight until 9 pm if you’re in the mood for drink while you walk around Cornish Christmas. And through the end of today our gift packages are still 10% off. Have a wonderful December and drink good coffee.
–Holly Fike


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