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Weekly Newsletter: Organic Honduran

American River HeaderOrganic Honduran

Last night about half of our employees got together and played with coffeemakers. We ate pizza (thanks Pete’s!) and brewed coffee a dozen different ways. The most interesting were the Hario Syphon pot, which looks like a science experiment, and the Aeropress, which brews espresso strength coffee without needing electricity. We also experimented with the different Capresso coffeemakers and grinders that we carry.

Watching the syphon pot brew.

Watching the syphon pot brew.

We’ve all refreshed our coffeemaker knowledge, so if you have questions, come on in. You can find a list of the different brewers that we carry here. We have display models of each, and we’ll gladly demonstrate them for you.

Last night we also sampled our new coffee of the week, brewed several different ways. This is an Organic Honduran coffee, from the far west side of Honduras, high in the mountains. The bag is marked SHG, or Strictly High Grown. This means a lower yield, which will produces higher quality coffee. The beans themselves tend to be denser at higher elevations.

Our Organic Honduran is roasted light and it has a nice balanced acidity. I really enjoyed sipping it, even if I did stay up extra late with all the coffee I drank. It also has notes of sweet honey and lightly roasted nuts. The aroma is tremendous: the pound I took home has been perfuming my room all week.

Today marks the beginning of Nevada County Restaurant Week. You can find more information and a list of participating restaurants here. We’ve got a deal going on where if you mention the code “restaurant week,” you receive a dollar off the espresso drink of your choice. Many other local eateries have specials this week too: the event is new this year, so I look forward to seeing it grow.

In addition to restaurant week you can try our Organic Honduran this week with the code salmon fry.* I’ve got salmon on my mind since I spent Wednesday with my son’s class releasing baby salmon (or “fry”) into the American River. The students had raised the salmon from eggs, and now the fish were big enough to start their three year journey down to the ocean and back. For some of the kids it was a joyful experience, and some were sad to say good-bye.

Whether you’re sad or joyful, I hope you get outside for this (yet again) sunny weekend. We’ve still got our gourmet foods half off if you head this way. No matter how you spend your time, drink good coffee. Cheers.
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Organic Honduran. Code expires on 1.29.15. Limit one free cup per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA. Code/Offer has no cash value.

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