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Weekly Newsletter: Celebes Kalossi

Award PictureCelebes Kalossi

I apologize for the blurry header photo. It commemorates our Wednesday night, when we received an award from the Grass Valley Downtown Association as the 2014 Business of the Year. It was a surprise and an honor to be chosen. We love our downtown association, and all that they do to promote our business district. You can read more about the event on the Sierra FoodWineArt blog, here.

fall2We had a great dowsing of rain yesterday, which cleared up into a misty foggy morning today. There are still fall colors around, and the yellow and red leaves dripping delighted my heart this morning. If you love the brilliance of autumn like I do, check out the Instagram contest that the Outside Inn is hosting here. Among other things you could win a Pumpkin Spice Latte from us.

This week we transformed the store into a Christmas theme, since Good Day Sacramento was filming downtown on Wednesday morning. You can see a video clip featuring Tess’ Kitchen Store here. The local merchants came together to decorate and make downtown festive. It makes it feel like the holidays are rapidly approaching to see the stockings hung and the tree ready. We even have eggnog lattes!

I know that the mention of eggnog lattes sends some of you running to get one immediately and the rest of you running the other way. They seem to be a love it or leave it kind of item. For those of you who prefer straight black coffee, we’ve got a treat for you this week. Our coffee of the week is our Celebes Kalossi.

This comes from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. It is a tradition to call it Celebes, since that was the former name of the island. This coffee is roasted light, but the flavor is bold and smooth. It is almost creamy as you sip, with a sweetness that lingers. I could drink this all day.

Yesterday I spent the day sick in bed, listening to the rain. That so seldom happens to me that it seemed rather a treat, at least once I was feeling better. I missed my coffee yesterday, so I’m looking forward to brewing this Celebes Kalossi tomorrow morning. If you would like to try this rich brew*, mention those words to us this week. Enjoy!
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Celebes Kalossi. Code expires on 11.20.14. Limit one free cup per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA. Code/Offer has no cash value.

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