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Weekly Newsletter: Organic Blue Krishna Balinese

Smoky Header PictureOrganic Blue Krishna Balinese

It’s been quite a week around here, weather-wise. The header picture is the view down the street, and that’s smoke causing the trees in the distance to fade into shades of grey. In fact it got so smoky that school was cancelled on Tuesday, so on top of an inservice Monday, my kids had a four day weekend. We’re very grateful to the firefighters who are working hard to contain and extinguish the King fire.

What fun to need an umbrella!

What fun to need an umbrella!

Yesterday we had our first significant rainfall of the season, which meant that downtown looked like the photo to the right. I took that picture from under my paisley umbrella–it was lovely to need it. The rain washed the world clean, and today is smoke-free with jolly white clouds bobbing around the sky.

This morning was significantly cooler than the rest of September, and several of us showed up to work in boots. It is officially autumn. This is a wonderful time of year to drink coffee. It keeps your hands warm in the morning and wakes you up with a spring in your step.

At least that’s the way it works for me. This week’s coffee is our Organic Blue Krishna Balinese. It comes from the highlands of central Bali, where it is grown by farmers who are a part of a cooperative based on Hindu principles.

This is a washed coffee, as opposed to the natural Balinese that we recently carried. It is hand picked and dried on raised beds. It is organic and rainforest alliance certified, and you taste the care in the cup. We’ve roasted this light, and it is full-bodied, sweet, and finishes with a strong nutty flavor. It has a light taste of dried plums, but none of the fruit forward tones of the dry-processed Balinese we had previously. It is amazing how the processing can effect the final product.

This week you can sample the Organic Balinese on us with the code nutty flavor*. Enjoy your first week of fall. We’re having a staff party this weekend, so I’m sure that there will be some goofy pictures online. I love that our employees all hang out together anyway, so a party is always a good time. Cheers!
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Organic Blue Krishna Balinese. Code expires on 10.02.14. Limit one free cup per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA. Code/Offer has no cash value.

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