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Weekly Newsletter: Organic Honduras

Yard Full of Family

Organic Honduras

Last week we had visitors from Georgia all week, and we had such a fun time seeing this area we live in through different eyes.  We are blessed to live in this county, with so much outdoor activity available.  They visited Lake Tahoe, Downieville, Sardine Lake, Loney Meadows, and downtown Grass Valley and Nevada City, and even stopped by Muir Woods on their way into town.  We also had amazing family dinners most nights–our barbeque was working overtime.

Benson girls photo

Caroline loved having cousins visiting!

This week we’ve been decompressing from our busy June.  The kids have been swimming everyday, we’ve been out to eat twice already (no cooking or cleaning!), and I’ve had a much more regular schedule at the store.  The slowing down has been lovely, and this has been our most relaxing week of the summer.  Last night we all slept outside, only to be woken by rain, thunder, and lightning.  What a night!

I was grateful for a cup of coffee this morning, after staying up watching the mostly full moon playing with the clouds.  The same moon shines the world round, keeping watch over coffee plants in the mountains of La Paz, where this week’s coffee originates.  This Organic Honduran came by container ship up the Pacific coastline, bringing us these beans to enjoy.

If you like Central American coffees, you’re sure to like this strictly high-grown Organic Honduran.  This coffee was processed by a co-operative of farmers, and they have a website here.  On the left hand side you can choose to see it in English.  This particular lot comes from the Marcala region of La Paz, an area so noted for quality coffee that they have their own designation (similar to Champagne, in France).

It is also certified Fair Trade, and the cooperative is dedicated to caring for the environment and to bettering the lives of their farmers.  According to their website, 99% of their partner’s children are enrolled in school–that’s a great percentage in any country, much less a developing one.  The coffee is wet processed, and the taste in the cup is very clean.  There is exceptional flavor to the beans, predominantly nutty and sweet tones.

Come in and try a cup on us this week by using the code sweet tones*.  It should be a good week to pick up a mocha freeze and head to the water somewhere.  Mocha freezes were definitely popular last night at the downtown Thursday Night Market, and we’ll be open late on Thursday again next week.  Have a great July summer week: Cheers!
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Organic Honduran.  Code expires on 7.17.14.  Limit one free cup per customer please.  Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA.  Code/Offer has no cash value.

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