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Weekly Newsletter: Rainforest Alliance Costa Rican Tarrazu

Apple Blossoms HeaderRainforest Alliance Costa Rican Tarrazu

The weather this week has felt like we jumped with both feet into late spring.  We went from snow ten days ago, to temperatures in the 70’s this week.  In our family the week was packed with the first games of the Little League season.  My eight year old son struck out three batters in his first appearance as a minor league pitcher, and he was still beaming when the game ended.  He struggled to go to sleep that night, and he practically floated to school the next morning.  His confidence boost was a joy to see.

IMG_9718_edited-1I hope that you’ve been able to get outdoors this week.  We’ve moved on from daffodils to the apple and cherry trees blooming around here.  The cycle of spring continues and the progression delights me daily.  Little Caroline has taken to placing blossoms in her hair when we leave in the morning: she’s sure that people will be confused and think it is snow.  I’m not sure why that will be so hilarious, but then I am not seven years old.

This week I am glad to announce that our Costa Rican is back.  Some of you have been asking for it, so we’re featuring it this week.  This is a SHB (strictly high bean) Costa Rican from the volcanic mountains of Tarrazu.  The SHB designation indicates that the coffee is grown at a high altitude, which leads to lower production and a denser bean.  This is important because the quality and taste tend to be higher in the cup.

Costa Rican is an easy entry into the world of specialty coffee.  It’s a perennial favorite among our customers.  This is roasted light, and the aroma is amazing.  It draws you in as you inhale deeply.  Once you sip, you find an extraordinarily smooth coffee.  It is one of the lightest bodied coffees that we carry, with a mild, silky flavor on the tongue.

As a reminder, our April giveaways are continuing, and another winner will be drawn on Monday.  Go leave a comment on our blog here for a chance to win.  We appreciate that you are the reason we have been here for 32 years and we’re giving away product to celebrate.  For your free cup of Costa Rican this week use the code silky flavor*.  Oh, and if you have kids and live in Nevada County, enjoy your Spring Break!
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Costa Rican Tarrazu.  Code expires on 4.17.14.  Limit one free cup per customer please.  Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA.  Code/Offer has no cash value.

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