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Weekly Newsletter: Fair Trade Organic Peru

dogwood headerFair Trade Organic Peru

Top of the morning to you!  Sorry, I couldn’t help it.  St. Patrick’s Day is on Monday, and I still have kids of an age to believe in leprechauns and wear green.  This week was my little girl’s birthday–I can’t believe that she is seven.  Yesterday she and I went snowshoeing together with her class.  It was an easy trip, appropriate for first-graders, and we both had fun spending the day outdoors.  Tomorrow is her party, so I plan to spend the rest of today making an ocean-themed cake (I guess I better do some internet research).

My seven year old snowshoer.

My seven year old snowshoer.

This week our coffee is our Fair Trade Organic Peruvian.  It is from the Sol y Cafe Cooperative on the western side of the country, in the Andes.  As you can imagine, these are high grown coffees from small farms.  The coop also incorporates cacao growers, and if you would like to try chocolate from Peru we recommend the Peru bar from Cello Chocolate.  This coffee is also Rainforest Alliance certified, meaning that these beans were grown under the shade of the rainforest trees, in a sustainable and responsible manner.

On Thursday our new intern, Tyler Hargrove, roasted these beans under Trace’s tutelage.  Tyler has been meeting with Trace once a week to learn the roasting process.  They roasted this light, and upon tasting it afterwards agreed that it is a classic South American bean.  It has a medium acidity, strong chocolate tones and a smooth finish.

This is an easy to drink coffee, and I’m definitely planning on a cup with a slice of chocolate cake if my baking goes as planned.  In the perfect spring weather that we’ve been having this week, my Saturday might start with a cup of coffee outside, while well-bundled of course.  If you would like to sample this Peru, use the code high grown* for a free twelve ounce cup on us.  It’s a good weekend to head down to your favorite coffee shop.  Enjoy.
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Fair Trade Organic Peru.  Code expires on 3.20.14.  Limit one free cup per customer please.  Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA.  Code/Offer has no cash value.

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