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Weekly Newsletter: Tanzanian Ruvuma

Cousin Beach TimeTanzanian Ruvuma

Happy New Year!  If you live in this area, you know that this year has started beautifully.  2013 in northern California broke the records for the driest calendar year ever (yikes!), but on the bright side the weather this week has been absolutely lovely.  Last weekend I went with my whole family to the beach, and you would not have guessed that it was December.  We enjoyed each others company, and all of the kids spent time running in the waves and finding “treasures.”  It was a good break from our usual routine, and so much fun for the cousins to play together.

Cousin fun in a sand fort

Cousin fun in a sand fort

Today we are getting back on schedule and recovering from the busy holidays.  This evening we have our staff party (look for pictures tomorrow on our Facebook page), which is always much appreciated after the Christmas rush.  The decorations came down here today, and any leftover Christmas items are on sale half off.

Our coffee of the week is an unusual one for us: a Tanzanian flat berry, meaning that is not a peaberry.  We regularly carry a Tanzanian Peaberry bean, for those who love the higher caffeine content and floral/citrus tones of that bean.  This Tanzanian, however, comes from the southernmost region of Tanzania, Ruvuma.

It is grown on small farms, wet-processed, and sun dried.  We roasted it light, and in the cup it starts with an earthy flavor, almost sweet, and finishes with citrus notes.  You especially taste the bright acidity as it cools.

We have this Tanzanian Ruvuma for sale this week for a dollar off per pound.  You can come in and try a cup on us by using the code in bold above (sun dried*).  As you get back into the routine of 2014, be sure to take a moment and enjoy the present, and the moments each day that turn into a year full of memories.  May this new year be full of those moments, and may at least some of them be time spent over good coffee.  Cheers!
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Tanzanian Ruvuma.  Code expires on 1.09.14.  Limit one free cup per customer please.  Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA.  Code/Offer has no cash value.

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