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Weekly Newsletter: Christmas Coffee 2013

Apple PieChristmas Coffee 2013

THANK YOU.  From the bottom of my heart I want to thank all of you who read this newsletter, who buy our coffee, who come in monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, who order online, who order for your restaurant, your hotel, your grocery store, your business.  You are the customers who make it all possible, day after day.  You are the reason that Trace roasts coffee, that I pay the bills, that our employees make drinks and package wholesale orders.  We are able to successfully run this operation because of you, and collectively, the entire Carolines Crew would like to say: thank you.

I hope that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and made it through the day emotionally and physically intact.  I hope that good food and good conversation were involved.  We had a great day, starting with the Turkey Trot, which Jack ran full out while little Caroline and I had a nice jog together.  I love that this community is so supportive of such a event that two thousand people show up.  Everywhere you turned you saw someone you knew.

In the middle of the day the kids enjoyed making pie with Grandma and Grandpa while Trace and I cooked and got ready for a veritable feast.  In the evening we had a house full of family and friends gathered around for a nontraditional meal of prime rib and Dungeness crab.  We had homemade rolls and more desserts than any one person could even sample.  It made for a leftover-apple-pie kind of breakfast this morning.  Mmmm.

Today we are open until 9 pm to celebrate Grass Valley’s mining tradition with the annual Cornish Christmas celebration.  From 6 pm to 9 pm stores will be open late and there will be craft and food vendors in the street–along with a Santa’s Workshop that offers free crafts for the kiddos, free gift wrapping, and visits with Santa.  You can see more about the event in this video, or check out the Downtown Association’s webpage here.  That’s always a favorite of my kids, along with the Kettle Korn!

Today our coffee of the week is our limited edition Christmas Coffee.  This is always a blend that Trace plans as we taste different coffees throughout the year.  He thinks about which flavors will complement each other for an easy drinking mix.  Here is the description from the label this year:

Oh what a year it has been.
We cried a little (the loss of our beloved
“Big Dave”), we laughed and loved
a lot (our great staff), and I’m
pretty sure that we are going to
make a profit in the end, thanks to
all of you wonderful customers.

This year’s coffee is a blend of a super
bold and chocolate-y Celebes with
a bright and fruity natural-processed
Organic Balinese, and just
a tad of our world famous French Roast.
This is coffee at its best.  Enjoy!

In the spirit of this label, you can try a cup of our Christmas coffee on us by using the code Big Dave*.  We’ll drink to him this week, knowing that he always loved the holiday traditions around here.  I close in gratitude to all of you.  Cheers!
–Holly Fike

Post Scriptus: Mark your calendars for a coffee and chocolate pairing coming up on December 8th.  From 2-4 pm that day we’ll have a tasting with our local Cello Chocolate company.  You won’t want to miss it.  Look for details here soon!

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Christmas Coffee 2013.  Code expires on 12.05.13.  Limit one free cup per customer please.  Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA.  Code/Offer has no cash value.

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