Rwanda Dukunde Kawa Cooperative
Oh wow, what a day. We have spent this week trying to be better prepared for the anticipated Christmas rush around here. We’ve moved our condiment table to improve the traffic flow, created a gift wrapping center out front, and put out a ton of fun new product (including some great Hario pour over systems). The stockings have been hung, the mulling spices are packed, and we will have our annual limited edition Christmas Coffee in stock on Monday. It’s the holidays folks! Truly, several employees are currently singing Christmas carols in harmony while cleaning up in back.

We have mugs full of coffee, ready to go!
I hope that you all enjoy your Thanksgiving next week. It’s looking like we will have a house full of friends and family. I was talking to a customer today about what a great holiday this is: with an emphasis on good food and good company. I enjoy Thanksgiving Day, and our tradition of starting the day at the MEB II Turkey Trot. Along with our more traditional foods, I’m looking forward to the fresh California dungeness crab. The seasonal foods from this time of year are so good: mandarins and pomegranates have been staples in our house lately.
This week our coffee of the week is our Rwandan, from a mostly female cooperative of farmers. I am thankful this year for all of the farmers who work hard to bring their coffees to our doorstep. We don’t buy just any coffee: all of ours are carefully chosen for their quality. It is the choices on the farming and processing level that allow us to provide you with great coffees year round. These women are dedicated to great coffee and you’ll taste that in the cup.
We’ve roasted this Rwandan light, so that you can taste the care that goes into these beans. It starts with earthy tones and finishes with a light floral flavor. This week in appreciation of all of our great customers we are offering you a dollar off of the drink of your choice. Use the code mandarins* to receive your discount. May you all have a joyous Thanksgiving, with good coffee and good friends. Enjoy!
–Holly Fike
In other news, much of my time today was spent checking on our new website. Check it out here! Please be patient with us as we’re still working out the kinks. We’re excited to have it working completely soon.
*Code good for one dollar off the espresso drink of your choice (drink value must exceed $2). Code expires on 11.28.13. Limit one discount per customer please. Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA. Code/Offer has no cash value.