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Weekly Newsletter: Fair Trade Organic Timor

Halloween HeaderFair Trade Organic Timor

Happy November!  November always seems like the start of the holiday season to me.  It’s not here yet, but the early birds are beginning to think about Christmas.  Yesterday we had a blast celebrating Halloween with all the preschoolers who showed up for the Downtown Trick-or-Treat event.  There were some mighty cute costumes, some of which you can spot on our Facebook page here.  My favorite was a little puppet, who was so well supported that her dad could actually pick her up.

All of our staff were dressed up and ready to greet you for Halloween!

All of our staff were dressed up and ready to greet you for Halloween!

This week’s coffee is from the country of East Timor, a brand new country, having established independence from Indonesia in 2002 (see the BBC country profile here).  East Timor has had its tumultuous times in the last eleven years, but these farmers have persevered, succeeding in bringing their coffee to an American market.  This coffee is from a cooperative of small farms, and is grown at high altitude.

Fair Trade Organic Timor is a washed arabica green bean, which we also refer to as wet-processed.  This means that water is used to remove the fruit from the bean, as opposed to a dry-processed coffee, where the fruit remains intact.  Once the fruit is removed, these beans are sun-dried, in the traditional method.  The processing method can change the flavor of the coffee, so the method used will effect what you taste when you drink this Timor.

This Timor has a tangy sweetness, which cools into cocoa tones.  You can emphasize the chocolate flavors if you try it with a piece of Halloween candy, like I did yesterday.  We brewed a French press to sample it right out of the roaster, and while everyone else noted a pleasant acidity, and sweet fruity tones, I was tasting chocolate with each sip.  With or without a chocolate bar, you can’t go wrong with this East Timor coffee.  It’s easy to drink, with less body than last week’s Sumatra.

You can try this Fair Trade Organic Timor on us this week by using the code Halloween candy*.  You might sound a little out of date for the first week of November, but you’ll get a free cup of coffee out of the deal.  I hope that you enjoy this shiny new month and stay open to possibility and change this next week.  Tomorrow we’ll be busy with all kinds of kid events, so we’ll definitely start the day with a good dose of coffee.  Enjoy!
–Holly Fike

*Code good for one free 12 ounce cup of Fair Trade Organic Timor.  Code expires on 11.07.13.  Limit one free cup per customer please.  Valid only at Carolines Coffee Roasters, 128 S. Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA.  Code/Offer has no cash value.

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