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Weekly Newsletter: Organic Rainforest Alliance Uganda Okoro

Girls on the FerryOrganic RFA Uganda Okoro

Last weekend our family enjoyed sharing Trace’s Father’s Day gift of a San Francisco Giants game.  We took the ferry from Vallejo, which may well be the best part of the trip.  Since we went on Saturday, we had great weather, before the rain hit at the beginning of this week.  It’s hard to believe that there was over an inch of rain a mere four days ago, with the temperatures hovering around 100 degrees today!  Our trip was a complete success, and we even had the opportunity to enjoy a cable car ride to dinner.  We finished the evening watching the supermoon rising over the water and the lights playing on the Bay Bridge as the ferry sped back to Vallejo.

Enjoying the ferry ride home.

Enjoying the ferry ride home.

I hope that you have had a great week also.  I’ve been gearing up to be out of town next week: paying some bills ahead and working on the schedule in advance.  The kids and I are headed to Colorado to visit my sister and her three girls.  She’s eight months pregnant, so it should be a low-key trip, mostly appreciating each others company.  I am so blessed to have two sisters, both of whom I count among my best friends.

I am packing up coffee to take with me, and this week’s coffee of the week will definitely be in my suitcase.  This is our Organic Ugandan coffee, which is also Rainforest Alliance certified.  Last week we also had an RFA coffee, and I failed to discuss what that means.  The Rainforest Alliance, as you can read about here, ensures that the coffees they certify are using sustainable farming practices.  A lot of coffee is grown in parts of the world where deforestation and strip clearing are common practices.  Coffee grows well in the shade of native trees, and the Rainforest Alliance is emphasizing environmentally sound habits through their marketing on behalf of these products.

This is the first time that we have carried a Ugandan coffee, to my knowledge.  This bean comes from a cooperative, as do many of our specialty coffees.  It is a washed bean, with a very clean and crisp flavor.  It’s light roasted and you taste citrus tones as you swallow, which comes from the acidity of the coffee.  You can try this on us once this week by using the code native trees.  Come in and tell us what you think of this Ugandan coffee: actually, tell one of my marvelous staff, because I will be on vacation!
–Holly Fike

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