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Weekly Newsletter: Aged Sumatra

Store Filled PanoramicAged Sumatra

The header picture is a panoramic of the store, filled with people who came to share their memories of Dave Harriman.  It was a great event that allowed us to verbally appreciate a man who always had a hello and a helping hand for everyone.  I’m pretty sure that he knew the names of each person who was there last night: he had an amazing memory.  We all watched a YouTube video of Dave playing his harmonica, and you can check it out here.  Thank you to all who attended: it was the best kind of community gathering.

We will be open from 7-3 on Memorial Day.

We will be open from 7-3 on Memorial Day.

Before I forget to mention it, we will be open on Monday for Memorial Day, but our hours will be reduced to 7:00 am to 3:00 pm.  If you are traveling this weekend, be safe, and find a minute on Monday to say thank you for those who gave their lives for our country.  The many freedoms that we enjoy wouldn’t be here without them.

Our coffee of the week is completely unique.  We once again ordered a bag of Aged Sumatra, since so many of you enjoyed it the last time we had it in stock.  This is a coffee that is intentionally stored so that it mimics the taste of coffee that came on sailing ships years ago.  That coffee was exposed to the sea winds, and spent a lot of time in passage.  In contrast, this coffee is aged at least three years in a climate-controlled warehouse, but the effect is similar.

The taste of this coffee is different than any other Sumatra that we serve.  It has the body and low acidity that you would expect, but the earthiness is pronounced, and it has more fruity tones than our other Indonesians.  It is a complex flavor and the aroma is enticing and unusual.  Aged Sumatra seems to be a love it or leave it kind of bean, and we would love to hear your opinion about it.  Come on in and try it by using the highlighted code above (sea winds), and then leave a comment on our blog or our Facebook page to tell us what you think.

I am grateful for all of you who gave up your time this week to join us in remembering Dave.  It seems that thankfulness is the theme of this weeks newsletter, and it is good to remember that this community that we live in is special because of all of you: the people who come in each day and become our downtown family.  If you knew Dave, listen to some Bob Dylan in his memory this week: he would like that.
In gratitude,
–Holly Fike



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