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Weekly Newsletter: Organic Balinese

Tulip HeaderOrganic Balinese

Last weekend we drove out to North San Juan to see the tulips at the Ananda Village.  Our local paper ran a brief article about it here, and there were people lining up to walk through when we were there.  The gardens are in full bloom, and the wisteria and the dogwoods were as impressive as the 11,000 tulips that were planted.  If you have a favorite shade or variety of tulip, I’m sure you can find it there. 

Taking in the view.

Taking in the view.

Afterwards Trace and the kids and I enjoyed a picnic lunch on the South Yuba.  We are certainly lucky to live in an area where the view is scenic and wild no matter where you go.  April can be a month of rain, and the river can be raging with snowmelt, but when we were there Sunday the sun was beating down and the frigid water looked inviting.  It was clear as could be, with none of the algae growth that comes with the summer warmth.  I’m pretty sure that my little boy (or not so little–where did the time go?) could have stayed and skipped rocks all day.

We did have weekend chores to do, so we continued on home.  Starting on Tuesday this week, and going through the end of April, we’ve been giving away something every day on our Facebook page.  You’ve got five days left to enter, so come on in and fill out an entry, or leave a comment on that day’s picture to win.

This week our coffee comes from an island known for its natural beauty.  I looked online for photos of Bali, and they all seem to have brilliant azure water framed by verdant mountains.  Talk about scenic!  Coffee is best grown at higher elevations, and I can imagine looking down at the water from a coffee farm in the highlands.

The Balinese is roasted light and you taste an earthiness as you sip.  It has more body than the Organic Java that we featured last week, and if you enjoyed the Java, you’re sure to like our Organic Balinese.  It also pairs perfectly with chocolate and I highly recommend a Venezuelan bar from Cello Chocolate as an accompaniment.

This weekend is the Downtown Grass Valley Car Show, so if you enjoy old cars, come on down!  I’m sure that we’ll be busy blending up mocha freezes in this nice weather.  You can also sample a cup of the Balinese on us by using the code in bold above: summer warmth.  Cheers!
 –Holly Fike     

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