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New Menu Boards are here!

We have new menu boards!  These chalkboards have been a long time coming, and a collaborative process of many.  We started talking about new menus quite some time ago, and our store manager, Becky, came up with the idea for an entire chalkboard wall to match our other chalk signage.

Trace agreed to build the boards, and carefully measured the entire wall.  If you recall, we previously had multiple whiteboards, and the background was a muted wallpaper.  Jen Quilici has painted the walls a neutral taupe color, and she also painted many coats of burgundy on the trim so that they would gleam.  Trace cut and painted the boards with first magnetic paint and then chalkboard paint–they’re versatile!

Our graphic designer, Grady Fike, put together the wonderful design for the new boards.  In the marvel of modern technology, he e-mailed the plan to the talented Tracie VanWicklin, who executed the design.  She used a digital projector and her own artistic skills to craft our boards.  It was hours of work on her part.

Last night after the store closed Tracie, Becky, Trace and I worked to install the boards.  Tracie still had to write the section where the two boards joined.  Trace attached it all to the wall and cut all the trim with the help of a chop saw in the back of his truck: a temporary workshop that has stood us well in the past.

The pictures below, from left to right, top to bottoms, chronicle our Sunday night: (first row) lifting the boards into place; Trace attaching them to the wall; (second row) Tracie setting up the projector; Tracie’s work box; working on the Grab and Go section; (third row) the workshop outside; and Becky doing some touch-up paint.

The final picture is of the finished product: come on in and see them in person!

New Chalkboard Signs

new chalkboards with frame

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