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Weekly Newsletter: Burundi

apple blossomsBurundi

It’s always fun to have giveaways going on: it means that there is a lot of interaction on our social media.  We enjoy hearing from all of you.  The winner of the cold tumbler was Curtis Kinner, and this week we’ve got a whole new giveaway going on.  You can check out our blog here to read about your opportunity to win a free pound of coffee.

weeping cherry blossomsThis week has been a whirlwind as I’ve attempted to catch up after our wonderful vacation last week.  Whew!  Each day my checklist has gotten shorter, and I think that I’ve finally done all the laundry and even better, I got it all put away.  What’s that you say?  It’s the weekend again, and there’s a whole new pile to wash?  Such is the circle of my life.

Did you enjoy the warm weather on Wednesday?  What about the rain yesterday?  I got outside with my camera while the sun was bathing the world in gold, and photographed some of my favorite spring flowers.  The apple blossoms in the header picture are from an old gnarled tree that gets no tending whatsoever and is awash in delicate pink blossoms.  The rebirth of spring is amazing to me each year.

Coffee has a season too, and the farmers who grow and harvest your beans are dependent upon the weather and the cycles of the equinox.  They pay attention to the sun and the rain a lot more closely than I do.  Harvest times vary around the world, and even from one farm to another.  Some estates are shipping now, some are harvesting, and some are in the middle of their growing season.  The great thing about coffee, as opposed to many crops, is that it stores so well.

This week’s coffee is in from Africa: it is our Burundi Mpanga.   Trace roasted it light and you can taste nutty flavors, and only a light acidity in comparison to many African coffees.  It’s easy to drink, and we’ve brought back our coupon this week so that you can try a cup on us (use the code apple blossoms).  You can still enter our month of giveaways: we’ve got entry forms at the store.  Good luck!
–Holly Fike

Post Script: the giveaway over on the Outside Inn blog is still going on.  Check it out here!

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