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Weekly Newsletter: Papua New Guinea

daffodil headerPapua New Guinea

It sure felt like spring this week!  The daffodils have poked their heads out of the ground and they are finally showing their faces as you drive around the county.  We’re halfway through March, five days from the vernal equinox, and winter seems to have stalled.  In Nevada County we had temperature over 70 degrees this week.  It makes me think about painting my toes and pulling out shoes other than boots.  This is walking weather and photographing spring blossoms season.

One final series of Khrista through the years . . . we'll miss you!

One final series of Khrista through the years . . . we’ll miss you!

Our coffee of the week is dear to my heart, simply because it hails from the country where my mother now resides.  She is teaching kindergarten in Papua New Guinea, and the area where she lives is mostly without seasons.  They don’t have spring blossoms, but there are bananas growing in her yard, and a picture she recently posted of their market showed tropical flowers in abundance.

Papua New Guinea has an extremely varied topography.  It occupies half of an island, and the rest of the island is covered by Indonesia.  Because so many parts of the country are rural, there are over eight hundred different languages spoken there.  The terrain swings from coastal to mountains that are over 14,000 feet high.  It is on the Pacific Ring of Fire, so that earthquakes occur with regularity.

All of this means that there are a lot of obstacles to bringing coffee to market in Papua New Guinea, and especially to an international market.  We are not offered a lot of Papua New Guinea coffee.  Transportation is one of the biggest challenges, since many areas are accessible only by airplane.

This coffee is a beautiful light roast, with a pleasant acidity, easy to drink.  It’s smooth, with an aroma of toast.  A lot of people worked hard to bring this coffee around the world for you to sample this week.  We would love to hear what you think of it: come on in and use the code above (spring blossoms) to try a cup on us.  I’ll be drinking to my mom, Grandma Jo, this week!
–Holly Fike

Post Script: If you happen to be of Irish heritage, or if you just like corned beef and cabbage, enjoy your Saint Patrick’s Day!

Papua New Guinea
This week: $11.99
List Price: $12.99

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