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Weekly Newsletter: Faz das Flores Brazilian

Mill St. Snow HeaderFaz das Flores Brazilian

Did you enjoy the storm on Tuesday?  I know that it was fleeting, but it certainly dumped for a few hours.  If you don’t live in Nevada County, we had one day of snow flurries last Tuesday, followed by sunshine the rest of the week.  It was like experiencing a poem or a good book and then moving directly into some mundane task like laundry.  There’s beauty in the small things too, but this was nature with a flourish, dramatically calling attention out the window.

The roads were a mess, but the view was great!

The roads were a mess, but the view was great!

For those of you who were driving around in the middle of the day, I’m sure it was a bit of a nightmare.  For those of us who were safe inside Carolines Coffee Roasters (and many of you joined us on Tuesday), it was a delight to see the snow collecting on rooftops downtown for the first time this winter.  What a beautiful thing a fresh dusting of white can be if you have the time to watch it accumulate!  You can see a gallery of winter photos on our blog here, or connect to our Facebook page and see them there.

While I was online today, I came across a great article on our coffee broker, Erna Knutsen.  You can read it here.  She is a remarkable woman, the consummate hostess, who shares tales of her storied life each time I see her.  She was a woman in a man’s business, who got and kept her job with her talent for tasting and sourcing coffee.  Our success in some measure comes from the spectacular coffees that she offers us, truly world-class beans.

One of these coffees is this week’s Faz das Flores Brazilian.  We are stepping away from Africa and traveling across the Atlantic Ocean to a small farm in northeastern Brazil.  I was glad to see Trace roasting this Brazilian yesterday: it has such a great flavor and I love to pour myself a cup and sip it while I work.  He and I were munching on some still hot beans–a roaster’s snack–and remarking on how much it tasted like roasted peanuts, or even toast.  It’s a wonder that more people don’t eat hot coffee beans like popcorn, but I suppose that most people don’t roast their own beans.

Last week’s Ethiopian had a lot of you talking about how the growing region can affect a coffee.  We even had a customer who thought that we must have added a flavoring to the beans to have that much blueberry taste!  Indeed we did not, but I certainly understand that you could think so.  This week the Brazilian has a completely different taste profile, almost 180 degrees from the Ethiopian Sidamo.  It’s light roasted with predominantly nutty flavors.  Come in and try a twelve ounce cup on us this week by using the code above (fresh dusting).  We’d love to hear what you think about this Faz das Flores, and whether you prefer it or the Ethiopian.  Enjoy!
–Holly Fike

Faz das Flores Brazilian

This week: $11.99

List Price: $12.99

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