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Weekly Newsletter: Merry Christmas!

Christmas GreetingsMerry Christmas! 

 How is your holiday season going?  Are you ready for Christmas?  I have a few stocking gifts left to collect (stockings are filled by Santa in our house, so shhhh! don’t tell the children), and most of my wrapping still to do, but otherwise I’m done.  There’s one more Cornish Christmas tonight–we’re open until 9 pm, rain or shine–and tomorrow Caroline and I have a mother-daughter date at the Grass Valley Nutcracker.  We’re progressing rapidly towards Christmas day, and the hastened tempo at the store is proof.
We have a number of holiday traditions in our family, and their continuity helps to keep us on an even keel during this busy time.  Each morning the kids hurry through their morning chores so that they can open their advent calendar (any impetus to get out of bed when you’re tired is appreciated in December!).  Last night we read our new Christmas picture book, a collection that grows each year.  The kids have an ornament collection too that slowly increases by one each year.  We always have cioppino on Christmas Eve, and Jamaican Blue Mountain to start our Christmas morning.  In our family we each take turns opening gifts while the others watch, one at a time.
The list could continue: I love that every person and every family have their own conventions for their holidays.  Ours have some variance each year, but the most important thing is that no matter what we are doing, we are doing it together.  Despite the hustle and bustle of the last month, on Christmas Day we will gather with our family in a quiet celebration.
That is my wish for all of you in the next week: may you find a moment or a morning of quiet in this Christmastime to appreciate the joys of the year.  As 2012 rolls on to a close, we have one last deal for you.  We’ve had a great year and in the spirit of paying it forward, we are offering two dollars off the pound of coffee of your choice.  Use the code morning quiet to redeem your $2.00 off.  We do appreciate all of our customers, and wish you each a Merry Christmas!
–Holly Fike

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