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Weekly Newsletter: Aged Sumatra

Aged Sumatra 

We might have had too much fun at our staff meeting last night, as the picture above can attest.  Anytime I used to go somewhere as a child, my mom would say: “don’t have too much fun.”  My whole life I’ve had trouble abiding by that statement (which she meant purely in jest), and I think that our employees do too.  Our goal this holiday season is to pass that spirit on to our customers: we want to bring joy to your holidays.  In the middle of your shopping spree, I hope you can stop in and be greeted with a smile, no matter how busy we are.
Next week is Thanksgiving, one of the holidays that I truly love.  Gratitude is a great reason to gather together, and no matter what your circumstances, it good to find thankfulness in your daily life.  Today I’m thankful for all of you, the customers who keep us in business, and who often bring a smile to our faces by your presence in our store.  A list of all the things and non-things and people for which I am grateful would be unending, so I won’t share them all.
A few items of business before we move on to the coffee of the week.  Yes, for those of you who have asked, we do have Jamaican Blue Mountain in again.  We will also have our annual, limited edition Christmas Coffee available starting Monday.  I’ll tell you more about it next week, but if you need some for Thanksgiving guests, this year we’ve got you covered.  I’ve also got a chance for you to win an eggnog latte!  Erin over at the Outside Inn has done a blog post about our neighbor, Booktown Books, and if you click here, you can read about their business and leave a comment for a free drink from us.

Win a free Eggnog Latte on the Outside Inn blog!

Today’s coffee is an old favorite, that we probably haven’t carried for ten years (and I’m no good with dates, so it could be longer).  This is an Aged Sumatra Mandheling, from Pawani, and aged in this case does not mean leftover.  These beans are from the 2008 crop, and they have been stored with great care, alternating between being in a shed and being spread on patios to absorb moisture.  This replicates what used to occur when the coffee was transported in sailing ships and the sea breeze had plenty of time to work on the beans.

This coffee is full of flavor, and the taste lingers on your palate.  It has a bold flavor and complex savory notes when you drink it.  Aged Sumatra is unusual, and we don’t often have it offered anymore, so come try a cup while we have it brewed.  You are welcome to mention the code highlighted in red above (in honor of Thanksgiving, it’s gratitude daily) to receive a free twelve ounce cup.  I hope each one of you takes a moment on Thanksgiving to appreciate your life.  If you’re looking for a worthy family activity, we love to attend the MEB2 Turkey Trot together in the morning.
Also, before I end this missive, let me remind you that next Friday will be the first Cornish Christmas.  We will once again be open until 9 pm every Friday from Thanksgiving to Christmas.  It’s a festive event, and we’ll be making loads of eggnog lattes and peppermint mochas to warm your hands as you enjoy the scene up the street.  Santa’s Workshop will be there again, offering free gift wrapping and free crafts for the kids, as well as the opportunity to meet Santa.  This year he will be appearing at 145 Mill Street: check the GVDA website here for more details.  May all of your holiday season be full of joy and gratitude!
–Holly Fike
Aged Sumatra
This week: $12.99
List Price: $13.99

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