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Weekly Newsletter: Fair Trade Organic Dark French Italian Roast

Fair Trade Organic Dark French Italian Roast

What a difference a week makes!  We actually had a little sprinkle of rain this week, and it’s starting to feel like fall.  I know, the season doesn’t officially change for another two weeks, but September always seems like the start of autumn to me.  If I was in charge of the seasons, June-August would be summer, and September-November would be fall.  What, it’s based on the orbit of the Earth around the sun?  Not my personal preference?
The trees seem to be on my side anyway.  Have you noticed that the tops of the trees are starting to turn?  Fall is creeping in on us, no matter which model you follow.  The sun is sleeping in a little later each morning, and I’ve been donning a sweater for our morning walk to school.  It’s a good season for coffee.

Dark Roast beans have an oily sheen to them.

This week we have a coffee for all of you dark roast lovers.  You tend to get short shrift around here, since our dark roasts don’t change each week.  In fact, I think that some of you early morning regulars would panic if we changed our number one or our number six: it was bad enough when we moved the pump pots three feet to the left.  If your morning ritual is a strong, hot cup of our inkiest brew, you don’t want to see something else in its place.

Never fear, we’re not changing the coffees we offer.  Our Fair Trade Italian will remain in its position as the number six pump pot.  This week, however, you can have a cup on us (mention the code “coffee of the week”).  For those of you who normally drink a light roast, you’re welcome to change it up this week and visit the other side of the roast profile.  The difference between our regular light roast, and this Fair Trade Dark French Italian is about 30 degrees and around five minutes.
The full name of this coffee is Fair Trade Organic Dark French Italian Roast, as the title says, but it gets a bit cumbersome to say.  Since no coffee is grown is Europe, the name of this coffee is referring to the roast, not the point of origin.  It is a blend of our Fair Trade coffees, and sometimes the blend changes, but they generally come from Central or South America.  This is always the darkest coffee that we have available.  As the weather cools into fall, this coffee will keep you going.  Happy Brewing!
 –Holly Fike
Post Script: We have been so busy lately, I think that it is time for another giveaway in appreciation of our wonderful customers.  Check our Facebook page for details next week!
Fair Trade Organic Dark French Italian Roast
This week: $12.99
List Price: $13.99 

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