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Weekly Newsletter: Papua New Guinea Peaberry

Papua New Guinea Peaberry

One of the great things about living in Nevada County is the proximity to world-class destinations.  Within few hours you can travel to California wine country, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, and the Pacific Ocean.  This week Trace and I went on a spontaneous trip to celebrate our anniversary.  We rented a Ford Mustang convertible, and drove off without any plans on Tuesday afternoon.  By Tuesday evening we were sitting on the veranda of the Little River Inn appreciating the cool blue of the Pacific and the rhythmic sound of the waves rolling in.

Ready to be off!

On Wednesday we spent the day navigating s-curves on Highway 1, all the way to San Francisco.  There was not a trace of fog and I’m not sure you could find prettier vistas anywhere.  We even had handmade pizza on a sandy beach inhabited only by friendly seals.  Our trip was marred only by the fact that we forgot to take coffee with us, and we spent both mornings we were gone on a search for good coffee.  That’s harder to find than you might think!

This weekend is often seen as summer’s last hurrah: I heard a AAA statistic that 33 million of us will hit the road over Labor Day–that’s a lot of vacationing folks!  Don’t make the mistake we made and drive off without coffee, especially if you’re headed somewhere rural.  We even had trouble finding a perfect cup of coffee in San Francisco: within walking distance of our hotel there were a number of coffee shops, but they were mostly chains.  The one independent shop we found was a great neighborhood gathering place, and seemed like a Carolines Coffee Roasters transported to the big city–but they roasted only dark.  It was a little disappointing as light roast lovers.

If you too prefer to start your day with a light roasted coffee, we have another new one for you.  This is a Papua New Guinea Peaberry, similar to the one we brought in last Christmas.  The taste profile is not too different from the regular PNG that we featured in June, but you’ll notice more piquant tones and perhaps feel the higher caffeine content.  As it cools the citrus notes dim and the flavor becomes earthier and more mellow.

I hope that your weekend is relaxing whether or not you travel.  I’m looking forward to staying home with my kids after being gone, and catching up on glamorous things like laundry.  Truly I love to start a week with the house clean and the chores done, so I will enjoy our time at home.  Thank you to all the workers out there who keep food on our tables and roofs over our heads, and happy Labor Day!  We will be open reduced hours on Monday, from 7 am to 3 pm for those of you who need your morning coffee regardless of the date.
 –Holly Fike
Papua New Guinea Peaberry
This week: $12.99
List Price: $13.99



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  1. Pingback: Weekly Newsletter: Fair Trade Organic Dark French Italian Roast « Carolines Coffee Blog